Confirmation!! NewWish Lasers ARE Pot Moddable!!!!


Oct 5, 2005
kyazh said:
Noob here, but approximately how many mW do you need to pop a balloon? How about to burn plastic bags or paper?

Around 20mW is where you start to be able to pop balloons and make little holes in black trash bags(assuming standard beam diameter and divergence to most pen style lasers). To burn through paper you will need more then 100mW.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2006
no for the 10 units i went from the "spring" side.i stuck a littl screwdriver in it and just snipped the red wire.and for my unit i did that and i drilled a little hole right above the button and messed around with the pot.=)

pixar said:
You did both of these through the button hole ?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 12, 2006
just put in freshly charged nikel metal hidride 1000mah batterys and i can now see the beam in my house in daylight. when i shine it on a white surface it hurts to look at the dot for too long. id say that was quite powerfull.
anyone care to estimate its power for me ?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 12, 2006
DJ_Styl .. where did you get the lasers? if from ebay who was the seller? i just got my newwish laser today, dont want to mess with it unless i think its one of the modable ones which will have an affect.



Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2006
I purchased 3 of these and 3 leadlights 105 from vital spirit off ebay.
1 of these was modded pretty well with just the pot mod and cutting the wire, however these lasers kinda suck BECAUSE:

The diode is not contacting the diode retainer thingy really well, you will tell if you try to remove the diode and then put it back in, it will never align properly again. Its because the hole is too small or the screw is not made really well.

On all 3 of my leadlights I can remove the diodes and align them really well.
1 of my leadlights has VERY efficient crystals and is extremely bright after a few mods, I would say close to 50-80mW...
The other 2 are at 30-50mW... This estimate is made by comparing it to my PPL-260 (266mW laser) at its lowest power setting which is between 30-40mW...

THE REASON why the brightness DIMS after a split second is BECAUSE the diode is overheating, or the crystals are overheating, or both... If you had a leadlight you can simply use thermal paste around the diode, and if your careful enough you can also use it on the crystals themselves. I have only done it on the diode and it now produces a beam at max brightness for as long as I use the laser. Although I haven't used it longer than 5 minutes in a row, as I know that kills diode life... There is a Stage 3 mod for the leadlight to keep the diode and crystals cooler, it is recommended to use Artic Silver thermal paste. I will do this mod on the 2 lower power modded leadlights and let you guys know how it worked out.

So in conclusion the leadlights are much better lasers, I had 3 of each and all 3 modded leadlights killed the newish in comparison tests... I hear that Atlasnova lasers are pretty good too, I will purchase only 1 to test it out. Its supposed to be a better leadlight model...

The diodes are the same in both the leadlights and the newish, at least they look and operate the same, I replaced a burned leadlight diode with the newish diode as I had no use for a crappy newish and the leadlight went back to like new modded operation. The reason why the leadlight diode died is because I had the laser in my pocket while driving and I probably had the button pressed against my wallet and it was on for just too long...


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2006
no my lasers was purchase right from the new wish manufacterer in china.=)

i70CuDa said:
DJ_Styl .. where did you get the lasers? if from ebay who was the seller? i just got my newwish laser today, dont want to mess with it unless i think its one of the modable ones which will have an affect.


Mr. Sandman

Newly Enlightened
Jul 23, 2006
hey... long time reader, first time poster here...

i tried to do the pot mod by drilling a hole near the button but i drilled "too deep" and hit the board...

from what i saw in the pics, i didnt hurt much, but the laser wouldnt power on... i completely removed the board from the laser shaft and im trying to get the diode-thingy out....

im trying to restore it so it works and i am able to see the beam on it, because the ebay seller basically lied to me showing pics on their seller page of the laser beam to be seen in the dark clearly and thus was not the case...

a few questions....

what would be the easiest and best way to get the diode out of the shaft so i dont cause irrepairable damage to it?

can someone post pics of their "unmodified" laser so i can get a visual diagram so i can re-sodier this back together? the other pics werent that clear near the front of the board...

i havnt turned the pot yet.... should i? or do i just need to leave one of the wires unconnected? whats a good suggestion here?

im going to try to work on it this weekend so any helpful replies asap would be very much appreciated...
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2006

The easiest way that i found to get the Diode out of the shaft was to start by removing the laser module from the casing and then de-solder the 3 pins from the diode that are attatched to the circuit board(make not of which pin goes where) Then, desolder the APC wires (Black&Red).

Now with a flathead screwdriver, unscrew the diode backing cap! There are 2 lens thingy's in front of the diode which you will have to take note of which way they go in also because they may accidently fall out after you have taken the diode out.

Now why do you want to take the diode out? If it is to replace the diode then you will have to replace it with a 500mw 808nm diode. And i have heard that some people are having problems realigning the diode up with the lens or whatever it is after re-soldering the diode back into place!

I have done the above procedure and i must say to be very cautious and slow with everything!

Although i am yet to replace the dam diode yet so if you get to that part of the procedure and have successfult gotten the laser to work afterwards, then let us all know Mate

It's a bit blurry but this is a basic outlay of the components

Oh i think the best way to do the 1st stage mod is to cut the apc wires , it is apparently the same as POT mod but you don't have to stuff around as much.

We need people to help with another mod for these NewWish lasers, Hell theyve got a 500mw diode in them so i want to get a little more from them than just 10mw
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Mr. Sandman

Newly Enlightened
Jul 23, 2006
stihl88 said:

The easiest way that i found to get the Diode out of the shaft was to start by removing the laser module from the casing and then de-solder the 3 pins from the diode that are attatched to the circuit board(make not of which pin goes where) Then, desolder the APC wires (Black&Red).

Now with a flathead screwdriver, unscrew the diode backing cap! There are 2 lens thingy's in front of the diode which you will have to take note of which way they go in also because they may accidently fall out after you have taken the diode out.

Now why do you want to take the diode out? If it is to replace the diode then you will have to replace it with a 500mw 808nm diode. And i have heard that some people are having problems realigning the diode up with the lens or whatever it is after re-soldering the diode back into place!

I have done the above procedure and i must say to be very cautious and slow with everything!

Although i am yet to replace the dam diode yet so if you get to that part of the procedure and have successfult gotten the laser to work afterwards, then let us all know Mate

It's a bit blurry but this is a basic outlay of the components

Oh i think the best way to do the 1st stage mod is to cut the apc wires , it is apparently the same as POT mod but you don't have to stuff around as much.

We need people to help with another mod for these NewWish lasers, Hell theyve got a 500mw diode in them so i want to get a little more from them than just 10mw

on the lower part of the picture, from the spring to the tip cap, what are those called?

will i have to disassemble the diode to get it out? if so, i might just leave it in... i dont think ill be able to put lenses back where they go... im not very precise, as my original screw-up implies... :lolsign:

would it be a better idea to just cut away the tubing with a dremel? or would that damage the whole diode? or even if i leave that part of the tube around the diode and cut at the rest...

i figure, i can make my own project box to house the whole laser, i just need to figure out how to get it so i can sodier it together...

also, sence you seem to have your apart, can you take a closer, less blurry pic of the diode connected to the driverboard? ill need to see what i have to sodier together..... thx a million in advance
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Newly Enlightened
Aug 1, 2006
hey im new and im buying a green laser from ebay i dont know if its the on good for modding the specs are and image
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Type: Class III[/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Dimension: 14mm×160mm [/font]
<LI>[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Fixed focus, green dot facula, continuous output and
working time over 5000 hours [/font][font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Output Wavelength: 532 nm [/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Output Power: 5mw[/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Working Voltage: DC=3.0V [/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Trigger Voltage: DC=2.3V [/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Working Current: I<250mA[/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Working Temperature: 0C` to +40C`[/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Storage Temperature: -10C` to +50C`[/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Appearance and Color: Rubber Black [/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Suggested Duty Cycle: 100 Seconds On / 10 Seconds Off [/font]

could som e one get bk to me ?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 1, 2006
i try using a 5mw red laser but it didnt work i couldnt find the wires? does it work on any laser?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2006
LaserBay, That link you sent from ebay

This is wat is called a NewWish laser!
That particular Laser is moddable but probably only up to about 10mw. You can Mod it by cutting the APC wire(s) or turning up the pot which is a messy way of doing it.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2006
MrSandman, Sorry about the crappy pic's but my camera is not producing good photos for me...Might be cos i shone the laser directly into the apature?

The best way i reackon th remove the module is to cut the black part of the casing about 1cm from the silver tip!


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2006
stihl88 said:
LaserBay, That link you sent from ebay

This is wat is called a NewWish laser!
That particular Laser is moddable but probably only up to about 10mw. You can Mod it by cutting the APC wire(s) or turning up the pot which is a messy way of doing it.
Well yes most of them only go up to 10mW's But I did get a freak unit out of the 30 that I had.After just the APC mod it bumped up to 20-25mW's!!! Heres some pics.Sorry for the bad quality I only have the camera thats on my phone i'll get more pics up on thursday.




Newly Enlightened
Aug 1, 2006
ok kool the guy sed it comes apart with screws i tryed doing it to my pen laser red one but theres no wires i can see and fkd up the shape of the laser i fkd it up lol but hey it cost me 15bucks i had a 60mw laser ages ago till my mum threw it out:lolsign:


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2006
Um...there is no such thing as screws on the NewWish lasers dude, sounds as though your talking about a diffirent laser alltogether! If you want to ask MOD questions about it then post some photo's of it in a new thread and maybe someone could identify it for you and see wether or not it can be modified. If it's a $15 Red laser, then probably not. Go and buy that laser from the Ebay link you asked about before and then do to that, the mods based on the NewWish laser.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2006
Dj_ your very lucky man! Did you measure the power or compare it against a standard 10mw laser? And it looks as though you just finished having a Cigarette with all the windows closed and then took the photos?

Either way it has come out nice and bright, especially on your camera phone.