<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by recercare:
What should i look for when measuring lightperformance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
By far the best thing is when you get the light distribution diagram and the flux in Lumen. Actually you do not really need the latter one, but it is nice to have.
And even when manufacturers give you the beam candela and the beam's half width, two lights with the same data can bequite different. A light distribution diagram says all. And the companies also have different point's of view: Some think, beam candela are the most important thing, others may think it is the luminous flux. And several companies (I'm shure) don't have even the equipment to give you the luminous flux. Peak candela measurements are very easy and cheap.
For some few companies it may also be true that they prefer the higher number for marketing reasons.