Convince me.


Sep 27, 2006
San Jose, CA
I've wanted a SF A2 for awhile now. Red LED's would be sweet.

However, I cannot justify the price, even used from the BST forums.

Help me justify it. That is all.

One of the most well rounded, practical flashlights in production. Instead of focusing on one performance spec (throw, for example) and building the light around it, SureFire made a light that does a whole bunch of things well. Unlike most two level lights, the A2 actually has two beam patterns as well. The low level is floody because you're most likely going to be using the low for up close work. The high is more throwy for when you need more power. Also, the only regulated incandescent flashlight on the market.
Okay, here's an incentive.

Sportsman's Warehouse (closest one to the OP is in Rocklin, so it's somewhat of a drive) has A2 Aviators on sale at 50% off.

You want an incentive - that's it. Do it.

I have a Kroma - otherwise I would have jumped on the deal.

Sportsman's Warehouse (closest one to the OP is in Rocklin, so it's somewhat of a drive) has A2 Aviators on sale at 50% off.

I saw the good deal thread on this
$97 for an A2? I'd kill for one [well, another, yeah the fourth], thats like half price MSRP:ohgeez:

A couple incentives
The A2 Aviator - Do I want one?
A2 Porn

think about it this way, all incan flashlights will run down, and most of the time the light will be a orange glow thats sometimes less than half of the full output.
>Surefire a2 is the only incandescent/LED hybrid thats regulated, meaning the output is around 100% full output through out most of the cells life. Anytime you pick up the flashlight to use it it will work just like the day when new batteries were installed. Whats better? the embedded 5mm LEDs [3x] will provide a low mode for tasks that doesn't require 50 lumens [the main incan is actually 80 lumens as tested by mcgizmo], provide continued illumination when the main lamp burns out or the batteries are no longer capable of driving it.
>Surefire perfected the xenon PWM driver and enabling a "soft start" feature for the driver. As lamps age, they often instaflash during a "cold" startup because the filament cannot take the surge current, the A2 eliminated the issue by controlling the output current to the lamp, thus increasing the lamps life and by driving it at spec for most of its life, the lamp can operate with more efficiency under the "halogen cycle"
>unlike popular multi-mode flashlights, surefire's no nonsense tailcap allows the user to turn the LED on or LED+xenon on simply by twisting it one revolution foward or backwards, not the bezel like fenix or most DX lights that require clicking through all the modes. [It'll take some time getting use to, but its not hard to learn]
>once you buy an A2, use it for a year or'll be spoiled by it, as by comparison cr123As at half remaining capacity used in non-regulated lights will look dim and orange but in the A2 the light remains around 5300-5500K [color temperature] for a bit before the batteries run down.
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I'm gonna go against the herd here and sort of do things backwards with a little reverse psychology.

Why you shouldn't get an A2:
Because as soon as you get one, you'll be addicted to it.
You'll be looked at as a geek for carrying a flashlight wherever you go.
You'll start buying more and more often.
You'll be looking into getting better and making the better ones even better.
You'll be hauling in truckloads of batteries to feed your new children.
You'll be broke.

See what I did there?
Well, I'm already commited to help get a U2, and I've gotten some friends that aren't CPF'ers on another forum some A2's already. So I'm tapped out for now, or I'd get you one too.

It's painful when you blow 500 bucks on flashlights and they aren't for you. I am gonna get paid back though.

It is a killer deal. Even after paying 8.2% sales tax.


I saw the good deal thread on this
$97 for an A2? I'd kill for one [well, another, yeah the fourth], thats like half price MSRP:ohgeez:

A couple incentives
The A2 Aviator - Do I want one?
A2 Porn
You'll be looked at as a geek for carrying a flashlight wherever you go.

good luck....a binary watch screams geek, a high powered flashlight screams "weird"
unfortunately society has yet to see an all out blackout to appreciate such succulent fruits

You'll be hauling in truckloads of batteries to feed your new children.

did I mention that Rcr123As work in the A2? preferably buy the protected rechargeable cells for safety, cells/charger available at
I'm not a user of Rcr123As, I find it to be a hassle and instead order bulk lithiums from lighthound, at $1.50/cell its better than the Wally's low prices of $9/cell
what exactly do You want from the light?

the red led?
the forward clicky?
the regulated incan?
because there is nothing comparable that features these three things

except for the red led and the forward, other light sources are way brighter, cost just 1/3 while still good machined, are even better pocketable, feature several light levels (at least an additional low is a must imho), run for at least double the time on the same batts, ...
If you really want it you will get it no matter what a single one of us says. There is so much talk about the A2 on this forum, a person should be able to make a choice just from the threads alone.

So really I think the OP wants us to help him decide on the LED color instead of deciding on whether or not to buy one. I bought an A2 once and then bought another cause I noticed the different colors.

Shortly there after I bought another, then another and well you all see where this is going. In the end I did own one of each color LED A2. I sold a couple and kept the ones I use the most.

@ the OP, send CPF member Carpenter a PM and ask him how he feels about the A2 and why a person should own one.

When you look on it in the catalog, it look like another SF light, when you look at it in the packaging, it still look like another SF light, when you open the package and hold it on your warm hand, its feels cold and solid, and when you gently push the tail cap in, the LEDs turn on, push it harder in :D, the Xenon bulb turns on, and when you look into the beam, you'll go wow and when you look at the price tag, its :caution:. But when you know you have the best of the best with you, you'll have confidence, and wouldn't mind the :caution: you pay, as you know its the BEST money can buy.

Style, Quality, Excellence.

Get the BEST, forget the REST, buy the NEXT....................LEDs colors :devil:

Oh yeah, some of the BEST people here has it! :D:D

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