Convoy Z1 & Banggood

prof student

Nov 14, 2007
1) Anyone have any thoughts, comments or experience with the Convoy Z1?

2) I've never bought anything from What about you? What's your experience? How long was your delivery time? Are they a reputable site to buy stuff from?
Here is a video demonstion with a neat soundtrack.

I am considering an S2+, and I have been told that Convoy's drivers are now constant current, and possibly include current regulation. But I have no first hand experience with a Convoy light yet.

I have bought from BangGood, it was a few years ago before their updated website appeared. I can no longer use the website. The mobile version is completely unusable, and I can't find any way to get it to serve desktop webpages. My only modern browser is mobile Safari on iPad. Site detects my browser, and will stubbornly only serve mobile pages, even if I use mobile Safari's function to request desktop pages. My desktop browser, Chrome on Snow Leopard, is ancient, and won't even load the site. After the lawyers, it will be the OCD web developers against the wall. Bleeding edge web sucks and breaks the Internet. Funny how we were forced to deal with old outdated standards for over a decade, and now every couple of years standards upgrades just breaks stuff, leaving many if not most that don't or can't upgrade to bleeding edge operating system versions, and the browsers that only work on the most updated OS, in the cold. I am pretty sure, initially at least, Steve Jobs is mostly to blame for this. The release of the original iPhone and mobile Safari was astoundingly influential to the state of the WWW.
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I've made a few orders with Banggood and AliExpress. I was also frustrated with their websites, so now I exclusively use their apps for any browsing and ordering. For Convoy items, you should also check out AliExpress, and go to the official Convoy store there for the best service.

For either of those sellers, I would only buy items listed as in stock. Recent orders from both have taken about 3 weeks for delivery to Texas.

Customer service can be very frustrating, but I've only needed it once to cancel and request a refund on a backordered item that the manufacturer discontinued.
1) Anyone have any thoughts, comments or experience with the Convoy Z1?

2) I've never bought anything from What about you? What's your experience? How long was your delivery time? Are they a reputable site to buy stuff from?

I would advise buying Convoy lights directly from "Convoy Flashlight Store" on AliExpress.
I would advise buying Convoy lights directly from "Convoy Flashlight Store" on AliExpress.

I'm sure the Convoy Store on Ali is legit, but beware that Ali's security is poor. I had my credit card info stolen from Ali, and used to buy about $1000 of junk on Ali before it was flagged. Ali doesn't take Paypal (not at the time I last used it), so you're stuck giving them your credit card info. Which is then promptly hacked. :thumbsdow

Banggood takes Paypal, so you're protected that way. If you do order from Ali, check to see if there's a way to use Paypal via some backdoor method. Or, maybe use a pre-paid credit card.

BTW, I'm sure it was Ali where my credit card was stolen. I had only ever used the card on Paypal and Ali. I trust Paypal more, and the fact the buyer used it to charge stuff only on Ali makes me believe it wasn't Paypal where it was stolen.
I've had good success with ordering from Banggood, things don't get here fast but that could be just luck of when the ship leaves or Canadian postal service for yah. It's been a few years since I bought a Convoy but I've not heard of any complaints on any of the forums I'm on, still great bang for your buck.
I would advise buying Convoy lights directly from "Convoy Flashlight Store" on AliExpress.

Finally found the store. Trying to send him a message, but that function isn't working. Does anyone know if he (Simon) is a member on CPF?