Cool Fenix flashlight reverse clickie mult-mode trick


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
This might be old news to many of you, but I just figured it out.

With the reverse clickie when you depress it half way after clicking it on, the light turns "off".

So with my L1D or L2D, when you first turn it on it goes to "low". If you half-press the clickie momentarily and release, it goes to "medium", and repeat again it goes to "high", and repeat again it goes to "S.O.S." as an example.

What I figured out is that if you half-press the clickie and hold it for more than 1.5 seconds, the light is then effectively off for 1.5 seconds and then restarts at "low".

So as an example, if you're in "medium" and the next mode is "high", but you want "low", simply depress half-way so that the light is off for more than 1.5 seconds, and then let go and it will go to "low" mode.

Pretty cool! :grin2:
A reverse momentary on ... aka momentary off :laughing:
Glad this helped some of you.

The best thing about this trick is you can always avoid the S.O.S. mode to get back to low, if you really don't like the extra mode (I personally don't mind at all).
Thanks LED-holic for the trick.

you don't have to switch the light off to go back to Low

If (when in Medium) you half-press three times quickly you will be in "low" mode, without needing to switch off the light (and without having to stay in the dark for 1.5 second).