Cool surefire products


Jan 5, 2008
Southern Mississippi

Look at all the eye candy that us non-korean people do not get to see! :popcorn:Continue to look at page 2 and 3 as well. I will never get to sleep tonight with all those photos in my head. E2e AA, L6 turbo, A2 turbo, 9P with a pocket clip, beast special, E2E stainless, pocket rocket, and the list goes on! Is this not known of, or are you guys keeping this a secret from me?:grin2: I would like to see surefire make these things full scale. these are from 2007 i think, but hey, these things are awesome.:nana:
Great find SilentK. The thing which I noticed which is obviously a cultural difference is the "ridicule PK" page, where people photoshop PK photos onto different photos. Size 15, Shelby Chan and even PK himself have photos there. I could never imagine that on the Surefire US homepage!
I've been saying Surefire needs more variety and special edition lights for awhile now. Their line has gotten quite dull in the past several years.

I love that orange E2.
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I want an orange C2 dammit!!



SureFire (well PK mostly) has a lot of fun with product design.
(it's good to see a taste of it shown on websites such as SureFireKorea)
...because nobody purchased the D2 and D3. They got C2's and C3's or 6P's and 9P's instead.

I know, I'm aware of why is was dropped :) But there are still people out there who want a 6P/9P with a pocket clip, but don't want the combat grip of the C2/C3.

The D3s aren't too hard to find, if anyone really wants one. I know of at least one dealer who still had some in stock, last time I checked.

Bah! I could make an A2 Skeleton.... Where's my chainsaw! :p

Looks like some folks can now stop complaining about a lack of AA Surefire lights. :lolsign:
An E2L powered by two AA batteries, with a KX1 head, body has a low serial #, and AA batteries with a 2014 expiration date, and a posting date of Nov. 2007. Obviously recent stuff.

Is it possible this could be a future product for SureFire?! I really, really hope this isn't just some prototype design never to be released.

C'mon SF, you KNOW you want to offer that AA light.

Awesome page!
I can read Korean, so if there's anything in particular you're interested in, lmk and I can (try to) translate for you =)

I love that orange C2 and the A2 turbo!!
I spent so much time on that website last night.....when I finally did fall asleep, all I dreamt about were the A2 Turbo :drool:and a few others...