Corner mood lighting design: 50x 3mm LEDs


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2009
Hi all,
I'm new here and i present a project i've just finished.

you can read more about it on my lighting blog:
Corner 3mm LED cluster lighting

comment are welcomed !



Nice light project you've got here, it is AC? DC?

Why 3mm LEDs anyway? Accent lighting is preferably done using warm tinted light. White T1, T1-3/4 LEDs gives a bluish hue to everything they cast on, generally inefficient and have a rather short life due to the encapsulation construction.
thanks !
actually i used them quite a time ago before i tried power leds....
i have the feeling they heat much less.
the cluster warms up, but after a quite long time.
if you compare it to a 3W star led, it would heat up immediately and become burning hot !

they run with the following setup:
220v to 12Vac halogen transformer, rectified, and stabilized with a LM317.

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