correct way to wire tripple p7?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 14, 2010
Hi, is this the correct way to wire a tripple p7 with der wichtels driver? I want to ask this just to make sure i got it right.

Second i got my momentary switch working by simply cutting of some ridges inside the switch. It works fine when my light was completely stock. But now i have to solder some wires in but i am not realy sure how its done. Fivemegas 12 aa to 4d batteryholder is my source of power but i was sticking to this guide: There, folowing this guide, i was thinking i was going the wrong way. I had to cut one of the electrical contacts as described there. Because of that now the driver wont have power ( i think???).

Will somebody please help me explain how to mod my switch so it works with der wichtels driver AND fivemega's 12aa to4d batteryholder?
Any help wil be much appreciated.:party:
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You would have had a better response to your questions if you had posted
them in the correct subforum ...... "Homemade and Modified Flashlights" :)

The photo of your wiring is correct if you are running your 3 P7s in series

Wquiles tutorial on how to mod a Mag switch into a momentary switch
does work ..... I build my first P7 Mag using his walk-thru
But the momentary switch is to provide a signal to the converter that Will (wquiles) was using.

I do not have the schematic for the der wichtels driver, so I can't say if it needs just a control or if it needs power to be switched off.

I have seen the video already, but my driver is different from that one.
Did you read tx101's reply in Post #4? Follow the link he provided and download the der Wichtel driver datasheet. Read the datasheet. It has a wiring diagram for the single mode and the A/B drivers.
I got my driver soldered to the switch and everything works fine! Now i must wait until the thermal glue comes in to solder the leds.