As i noted below in my first posting, i have just gotten in the torch game and love it.
I've aquired a TK40, a Eleketrolumens EDC and Firesword. I noticed something when deciding up on what to buy.
The more expensive the light, the cost per lumen goes down dramatically.
Check out my lights. they get more than 60% cheaper in cost per lumen as i go up the stack from cheapies to good lights.
light typelumenspriceCost/Lumen
Olights $ 0.36
energizer $ 0.39
EDC30060 $ 0.20
TK40 $ 0.23
Firesword $ 0.13
I've aquired a TK40, a Eleketrolumens EDC and Firesword. I noticed something when deciding up on what to buy.
The more expensive the light, the cost per lumen goes down dramatically.
Check out my lights. they get more than 60% cheaper in cost per lumen as i go up the stack from cheapies to good lights.
light typelumenspriceCost/Lumen
Olights $ 0.36
energizer $ 0.39
EDC30060 $ 0.20
TK40 $ 0.23
Firesword $ 0.13

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