Could you make do with three lights?


Feb 4, 2005
I'm looking to pare-down and simplify at home and was noticing my shoe-box sized boxes, one with primary batteries, another with rechargeable batteries, another with chargers, and another with flashlights. Why in the world do I need this much crap? I'm going to recycle all my non-Eneloop NiMH batteries, keep one or maybe two NiMH chargers, sell off my LiIon batteries, chargers, and lights, and give away as gifts some of my unused lights. Ideally I'd like to get down to common battery types as well.

So... could you make do with only three lights? For the sake of discussion, let's rule out worklights and a rarely-used emergency light stashed in the car. I'm thinking my goal is to get down to three lights: a headlamp, a keychain light (smaller than AAA), and a handheld. I already have a Petzl Tikka XP that I love as a headlamp. I've got a Lummi Wii on order as a new keychain light but would also consider a Photon like the new ReX or my existing Freedom. Handheld will probably be the Fenix L2D CE I already have or a new Photon Proton Pro.

Of course this would mean getting rid of an Arc AAAp (won't be doing that), Mag 3D LED, SL Propoly 4AA Lux, Fenix L1P, P1D CE and L0D CE, PT EOS, VB16, Eastwood YJ, Surefire G2, CMG Infinity Ultra, Reactor and LX3.0 ... Ouch!

It's a noble goal... we'll see how it goes.
That's a good plan. Good luck with it though.
1. edc - Hyerion RCR123 - small, versatile, but not the best choice for any particular situation.
2. Lumapower F1 AA - Good looking, bright but smooth Seoul beam for use around the house and walking
3. Dereelight CL1H (18650) for walking because it's fun - very bright, a lot of throw. Also good for finding small things that fall on the floor, or anything that might otherwise be hidden in dark corners. All around nice-to-have bright light.
4. 1xAAA w/Seoul for around the office. Especially good for holding in teeth.
5. AA cyan luxeon (modded Elly) for walking in the woods because it's soothing and fun. Everybody that sees it comments that they like it.
6. headlamp for working and reading
7. 2xAA bikelight (UF C5). Mounted on handlebar.
8. CMG Infinity w/Red LED for wake ups
9. Red Luxeon 2xAA MiniMag - just cool, not too practical. It's difficult to see outdoors even with bright red light.
8. $15 RCR123 Cree for bike. Mounted on handlebar.
9. Red bike tail light.
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easily on my schedule, but expansions are usually considered as technology improves to synchronize my needs. I only use 3 as EDCs...but I have 26 lights:ohgeez:

sure I can make do:naughty:, but unless technology stops improving the previous statement is invalid

1 fenix P1-CE
2 Surefire A2-WHs [one soon to be replaced with Surefire L4]
Frankly I could make due with 1 light, an HDS EDC or Novatac 85,120,whatever) This light could meet 98% of my needs if it had to.

For three I would go with the following based on what I already own.

1-Novatac 85P (Serves the purpose of EDC, general use, reading, long runtime, can double as a headlamp if attached to a hat with the clip on the bezel etc. etc.)

2-Surefire A2 Aviator (Serves my incan needs as well as offering me an LED backup/navigation/long run time solution. Makes a dandy handgun light as well. Frankly there isn't much the Surefire A2 can't do.

3-Maglite 2D (With LED module/Incan backup in the tailcap) I know it sounds funny but these make great long running (32+hours at very very reasonable light levels with many hours of moon mode/keychain light levels after), familiar lights. They are inexpensive, robust, throw very well, use super common batteries and give you the backup incan option should the LED go TU.

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Three lights are exactly how many I use normally.

I have a U2-style 18650-powered Cree I use as my main flashlight at home (or when I know I'll be needing light outside), a small RCR123 Cree flashlight for EDC duty and a 9-LED 3-AAA cheapie that I mostly use to look at stuff at close range, when even the low mode of the U2-style is too bright.

I have a few other lights, among which a Fenix L1S, but since I got the Crees none of them see any use.
Sure could....i basically do now, although i have more than 3.

Nuwai Q3.....Fenix L2T.....and SL TL3 incan.

I usually don't carry more than three at a time when I go out, those three typically are:
-ARC AAA-P (latest version)
-Fenix P1 (early version)
-SF E2e w/E2C conversion and P61 lamp

Of course I have a lot more lights, and if I had to get rid of all but three quality lights, I'd probably keep:
-SF L1
-SF A2

Those three lights cover 95% of everything I could ever want in a hand-held light, and a rechargeable spotlight would cover the rest. Headlamps are in a different category for me, not EDC, but invaluable when needed.
I find I only use 2 of my lights. My McLux III PD-S and my Seoulmodded HDS U60. I have lights that get some use but either of my EDC's are always with me so they get used even if i have a better tool for the job (like if I am camping and I need hands free even though I have a headlight I still tend to grab my EDC) I used to get by on a minimag so three of any modern LED's would get me by. I have bought new lights here and there to check out what is new but I always end up selling them due to lack of use. I've certainly bought and sold more lights than I have kept. There is something to be said about having a reliable light that you use all the time and not having a lot of extraneous lights to interfere with the use of such a light. It's different if you are a collector and have you lights on a shelf. I have always been a user and if a light does not get used I get rid of it.
So... could you make do with only three lights?
No :D

Ok, ok.... of the lights I actually own:
NovaTac 120P - Primary EDC, extremely versatile, very long runtime if needed, just plain fun!
Jetbeam C-LE - Backup EDC, very small, twisty, common battery, 3 levels.
Fenix L2D-CE - General Purpose, common batteries, long run time on Turbo.

With a JackStrap headband I can turn any one of these into a headlamp, and has been noted, the NovaTac could be used with it's existing clip (reversed) to attach to a hat, so I've got that covered. Even if I could change this to any lights, price no object..... I'm not sure I would change anything. I really like all 3 of these lights, and use each one frequently, so.... if I had to, I could make do with just these 3 fine lights quite easily.
If I'm honest with myself I could almost get by with one light. It seems that all I use anymore, out of pure necessity, is the LODce with 10440. After that I use the Orb Ns and L2 sometimes.

I could get by just fine with 3 lights but because lights are fun for me I'd be giving up my hobbie. I really enjoy the incans, LEDs, my mag mods, HIDs and the rest. I think I'll keep my hobbie :)
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Own only three that's blasphemy carry only three that's sanity two L4's one e1L oh and an inova micro. Guess I can't get buy on three ,oh well (now I need to get a 7060, asp triad, malkoff dropin, microstream) only a couple more really !!!
I could easily live with only the following:

LP M3 with Turbohead
Brightstar Lighthawk Led spotlight/lantern
Riverrock 4AA lantern.

These lights give long runtime and edc capibility and a good poweroutage light.
It would be difficult, but I could do it. :laughing:

I would choose:

Arc AAA-P (I never leave home without it). There is a certain confidence that comes from having a light that will work whenever you need it.

Waion VB-16 (4th Gen.). This is the ultimate evening walk light. Good throw, great side spill, and takes protected 18650 cells.

Seoul modded Fenix P1. This light fits somewhere between the Arc and the VB-16. It is floodier than the VB-16, and has the killer Fenix regulation.

I may soon be "forced" into only having three lights, as I accidentally made some purchases on the wrong credit card. I don't ever carry a balance, and am short for next month's payment. :broke: :sigh:
Such a timely thread, as I've actually been putting the idea into practise recently - I've given away large numbers of torches which don't float my boat any more, but which delight the people I give them too.

I could get away with just 2 torches:

Novatac 120P
Fenix L1D-CE (textured)
I could live with just one light if I really HAD to (obviously not that i WANT to). That one light would be my HDS EDC. If I have to choose three, the others would probably be an L4 and a 9P. The HDS would take care of about 95% of my needs.
I would go with my Brinkman headlamp, Minimag 2 AA MagLED, and a Fenix L0PSE. The only one I might swap would be the Minimag for my Inova X0 Tiros, not sure on that one yet. With these 3 I would feel well taken care of in any situation.

For perhaps 20 years I used only 3 lights, a Solitare, a 2 AAA Minimag, and a 2 AA Minimag, and never felt that I needed more.
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hm...very tricky question. Only 3 lights to cover almost all needs...OK, here is how I'd think about it.

Obviously, to limit the # of flashlights so drastically some lights have to do more than one duty - cover more than one of the bases.

So, no headlamp - just have a head band that can use fit at least one of your main lights.

Also, no lantern - just have a diffuser that can fit one or more of your lights.

And, no colored (red) LED flashlights, again just use a filter.

Finally, plenty of modes (no 2-stage or single stage lights) so you can cover more needs.


-- one light a 2xAA configuration, I'm thinking the Fenix L2D Rebel 100. This can fit into a headband and also has a diffuser and a red filter accessory. With 6 modes, it also covers the low, mid, and high plus strobe/SOS light needs.

--one smaller, EDC light. I'm not sure if you are counting extra battery tubes! If not, you could have a 1xAA battery tube for the L2D and just switch to that for EDC use. Or, use the Fenix L0D Rebel 100 (when available in the US) as a small key-chain light.

--Finally, a bigger outdoors light with plenty of throw. Maybe the upcoming Lumapower M1-R (2xCR123A tube, plenty of throw and runtime).

--if you don't count the battery tubes, (so use a 1xAA tube with the L2D and skip the additional EDC light) you could then have one empty flashlight slot. You could then add a specialty item - I'd go with a UV flashlight since nothing else can cover some of the things it does.

An even more compact strategy:

--If you don't count accessories as additional flashlights, you could go with the Lumapower M3: this covers EDC (the 1xCR123A battery tube), and more general purpose needs (with its 1xAA and 2xAA battery tubes), and can also fit a headband. With the turbohead, you can also kind of cover the bigger throw, outdoors' needs.

--then still have the UV light, like before, but now you have yet another extra slot.

--and finally you can get one big-mother of a flashlight. Multi-LED, HID, something big.
I usually don't carry more than three at a time when I go out,

Ok, now that's funny!!! I'll have you know I resemble that remark, and I'll bet there are a lot of folks here that do too!!!

My wife asked me tonight, "do you have a flashlight?". I responded "You're kidding right?".

If I could have only three including a headlamp I guess they would be:

River Rock 1aa 1watt (my go to light 95% of the time)
Hyperion with RCR123
Petzl Tikka XP

OK, OK, OK, I couldn't get it to three, but that's because the Z9 just sits by the bed in case of an intruder.

Oh well, I tried.

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