Cree flashlights intimidate two troublemakers


Oct 31, 2006
I was awoken at 4 a.m. Saturday morning by two teenage kids lighting firecrackers off in the street in front of my house. I went outside armed with my D-mini and VB-16, and without saying a word, hit them in their faces with the beams (from about 20 meters distance). With their vision adjusted for nighttime, and the VB-16 on flash mode, it was enough to scare them off temporarily. They came back about 10 minutes later, and began lighting off firecrackers again. I walked outside a second time, but before I could even turn the flashlights on, they said to me "OK OK, we will stop lighting the firecrackers, just please don't shine those lights in our face again". I've never shined my own flashlights directly in my face, but I guess it must be unpleasant to say the least. They kept their word, and I was able get back to sleep.
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shouldve went out with a double barrel 12 gauge. Then they wouldn't have even thought about coming back a second time.
A few years ago I was waken up for a few nights in a row by the neighborhood dogs barking like crazy, about 11:15 each night. One night I stayed up to see what was happening. Just as the dogs started to bark, I walked out onto my balcony (lived in a stilt house at the time) to find some idiot (yes, a woman to be specific but didn't want to sound sexist) walking her great dane down my street... AT FREAKIN 11:15 PM!!! So of course all the neighborhood dogs had to bark their lungs out as they strolled down my street.

Well the next night played out a little differently. I had charged up my search light. My 1,000,000 cp search light and it was sitting right beside the front door. Then, just as I noticed the dogs beginning to bark, I picked up the light and walked out onto the balcony. Well there they were, just about 30 ft. away. I was quiet as to not alarm her or the dog. And then... BAM, ONE MILLION cp hit them. It was like the sun just instantly popped out. She was on the near side of the dane when the light hit them. She instantly stumbled and fell across the poor miniature horse. She finally got her footing and managed to keep walking. I kept the light on them without saying a single word. The walked on down the street, without making a remark to me. I think the light was too bright for them to look my way.

She never came down my street again at night... as far as I know.
A pellet gun fired from a discreet location into the offenders buttocks would have driven off the punks the first time :)
I've never shined my own flashlights directly in my face, but I guess it must be unpleasant to say the least.

Oh come on, what better way is there to test the brightness of your own light? I know how bright my lights are and I still shine myself. This isn't an every day occurrence, just once in awhile.
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Unless they came back with the Police because some fool was brandishing a weapon at them because they were making noise.

Thank you Gorn for reading my mind. I'm still shaking my head because of that goofy comment.
<< to find some idiot (yes, a woman to be specific but didn't want to sound sexist) walking her great dane down my street... AT FREAKIN 11:15 PM!!! So of course all the neighborhood dogs had to bark their lungs out as they strolled down my street. >>

Off the subject a bit, but.....There's a difference between someone doing something stupid (kids lighting off firecrackers at odd hours = disturbing the peace) and someone doing something perfectly legal. It may have been both fun and effective to light her up, but from a liability point of view you are quite fortunate she was not hurt when she stumbled.

Lights can be a deterrent, but their use must be weighed against the possible consequences to both yourselves and those you are about to illuminate. As for the use of other weapons, Gorn and a few others are quite correct.....If caught one could find themselves on the very wrong side of the criminal code or in civil court, even if it is just a pellet gun.
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Lights can be a deterrent, but their use must be weighed against the possible consequences to both yourselves and those you are about to illuminate. As for the use of other weapons, Gorn and a few others are quite correct.....If caught one could find themselves on the very wrong side of the criminal code or in civil court, even if it is just a pellet gun.

Key word there is 'IF CAUGHT'. That's why you pick a discreet firing position :) Of course I'm just kidding, I'd never fire a pellet gun at anyone. I'd just dial 911, let the police do the job I pay them for.
I found it very odd for a man at about 11pm or so (maybe it was later) taking pictures of our building. I live in a large dorm building and there was a grassy area right outside. I live on the 5th floor. The thing is, he had the flash on and I could see the annoying flicker every time he took the picture. The direct flash was very distracting as I was working on my work for classes. My desk faced the window and this started to get on my nerves. How could I be sure that the guy wasn't trying to get pictures of changing girls (my dorms are coed), or just trying to get some pictures of people through the windows? He was standing on this grassy architectural mound (fancy earthworks) to get the pictures, then he would move around and he always seemed to change position. This man could have been taking some artistic night-time photographs, but how could one be sure? All I know is that he was getting pictures with me in it (whether clear or not), and I did not want that. For the first few minutes, I let it slide, but then I decided to have fun.

The only two super-bright lights I have are the Quad Seoul 2D M*gLite with IMS 20mm reflectors running at 1A each. I just held the beam to illuminate him for a few seconds. This didnt phase him, so i thought that I would pull out my only big gun, my prototype LED headlight cluster. It is 18 T-bin K2s running at over 1A each with Fraen narrow optics, and this was running from a portable 12V lead acid jumper battery. I estimate that this thing produces around 1800 lm and throws with ~40,000 lux. Those numbers are sort of conservative, too. Yes, I know that the K2s suck, but it was the best at the time that this was designed and built. I cannot afford to change them all out. In numbers, those K2s are very potent!

Well, I really lit him up and the surrounding area. He stopped taking pictures and I did not seen him since. Hopefully he wasnt a photographer. I would feel bad. All I know is he was taking pictures suspiciously in the late evening. Was I wrong to do this? So far, all I see is that I was having a little fun and he was now annoyed with flashing lights.

-Tony find some idiot (yes, a woman to be specific but didn't want to sound sexist) walking her great dane down my street... AT FREAKIN 11:15 PM!!! ....

If I read your posting correctly, you want people to avoid walking on a public street because your neighbors' dogs bark at them.

Where I live (USA) people are free to walk their dogs on public streets 24 hours/day. We don't have a curfew or live under martial law.

I enjoy late night walks, though I leave my dog home. It is a great opportunity to test flashlights so I always bring 3 or more. I don't shine them in resident's windows and they don't shine spotlights on me for harassment. Some neighborhood dogs bark at me, but I continue walking at night.
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I'm glad it worked out for you, but remember that if you try to defuse a situation, you have to be equally as ready for them to do something hostile towards you. I think it was perfectly alright to shine them with the light, but they could have just as easily come back with there friends and tried to do something violent to you or your property.

I'm hoping you had a backup plan or maybe you need to come up with one :)

My glock 26 is my backup plan ;)
Yea, im fairly mad about you messing with someone walking her dog as well. I walk my dog nightly b/n 1 and 2 am. Im a bartender, it's when i get off work. Does my dog bark sometimes? sure, but i can keep her mostly quiet and mind my own business. No need to be a d**k just b/c you have a bright light to shine in someone's eyes, just giving the rest of us a bad reputation.
<< All I know is he was taking pictures suspiciously in the late evening. Was I wrong to do this? >>

Only if he decides to pay you a personal visit :)

I would have taken it one step farther though. I would have called the authorities rather than light him up. That type of behavior is not normal and in today's world it is wise to report it. Innocent perhaps. Casing the place? One would think he would not be so obvious, but then.....

BlackDecker: I tend to take some of these posts a little too seriously at times. I should try to lighten up a bit, or avoid threads with certain types of headings. Over the years I have seen enough lives changed and in some cases ruined because something was done that created a situation where the ability to take a few seconds of time back would be priceless. I know most of you guys say and do things in fun. I just tend to look at the darker side of things.......Hence the need for more lights? I wonder if my better half would buy that explanation to add to the stable?

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