cree lights alterations.. How hard?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
How hard is it really, and what is involved lets say to change a P2D's led to a Q2 or a Q5 etc? What is needed to do it, is it hard? Complicated? and would you loose the modes?

I find this very interesting and its something that if its within my grasp, i will certainly do it.
Well, I have a P2 and P3 and I wouldn't bother. Thats just me though.

I have no idea how to even start getting the head open to get at the led.

If it is a very very easy mod, I'll try it. I just dont want to break any of my lights trying to manhandle them open.

That why my INOVA's and Fenix's will forever be stock. :shrug:

P.S. if you want a Q5 you may want to check out the Fenix-Store. I belive they had some special made with Q5's in them.