Cree Q2 ???

The mods seem to be closing down posts with links to DX and KD nowadays. Your thread will probably be closed soon. No idea why because there are sooo many different types of flashlight that look practically the same and hard to identify the difference.
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The mods seem to be closing down posts with links to DX and KD nowadays. Your thread will probably be closed soon. No idea why because there are sooo many different types of flashlight that look practically the same and hard to identify the difference.

Those threads are being closed because CPF was becoming the unofficial forum of DX, especially the threads that point to a product, without any editorial content. Anyone can go to the website and see the products; there's no need for a pointer on CPF.

As for this thread, it'll probably remain open, as it's asking a question about Q2 binning, and not necessarily about the specific product.
I like the posts that alerted us to new lights and where to get them. Just happens many pop up on DX. What if there were new lighs at Target, Walmart, fenix-store, etc. Can we not be alerted about them, or alert others about them? Maybe there should be a single thread for "New at DX" where people can post if they come across something of interest, rather than a new thread for every new product.
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I liked the posts that alerted us to knew lights and where to get them. Just happens many pop up on DX. What if there were new lighs at Target, Walmart, fenix-store, etc. Can we not be alerted about them, or alert others about them? Maybe there should be a single thread for "New at DX" where people can post if they come across something of interest, rather than a new thread for every new product.
I agree wholly.
hmm... my post created some controversy... nice...

but back to MY topic... is there really much difference between the P4 and Q2?? it's only like 6lm diff....

and... to those that know about color temperatures... what is the best color bin? i like daylight CCFL's... is that 6000k?? 5500k?

thanks for any info.

Sunlight is 6500K, which should be Luxeon W0, SSC SW0, and Cree WD.

Personally, I like something one bin cooler, i.e. Luxeon X0, SSC SXO, and Cree WC - but that's just me. Others like warmer bins because they look like incans - I really don't understand that logic...but to each his own. I would think something closer to the color of sunlight would be best - and I like the cooler tints for that wow effect of the LED in general (much like I enjoy the blue tint of HID).

Regarding the difference between P4 and Q2 - not much of a difference overall - especially at baseline (@350mA, only 6.5 lumens I think)...but some people are really caught up on numbers. You wouldn't notice the difference unless they were both at higher currents side by side (as the currents go up, the difference increases). You can look for my posts around here for all of the bin info of the Crees P4 - R4 at baseline (i.e. 350mA), 750mA (which is 180% brighter then baseline), and 1000mA (which is 220% brighter then baseline). If you're interested, I've also estimated from Cree's datasheet that 875mA is 200% brighter then their baseline rated output. :)