The cell isn't crushed, they just put on the PCB in a very poor manner. No spacer between the IC and circuit board and the contact of the battery.
yup many of the ultrafire bats i have are a crooked mess, not as bad as the worst one pictured, but its guess and hope.
i would test them thouroughly including a pressure test in a safe location, and use em, wouldnt bother me much unless something is leaking, dented or corroding or shorted.
its just slopped together stuff, whad ya spect.
you have to define the difference between a protection crooked and any crushed cell items itself. those look like the protection bottom ones, so the circuit being slopped on the bottom is not a big deal, the top or edges of the container for the actual cell is most important. well that and if the metal strip is going to short out on you.
so mentally seperate the cell from the added junk on the cell, and think about what is damaged or what is just poorly slopped together.
is the container dented? are the edges of the container dented or crushed? i think some of them shown might qualify.
the picture is a little dark looking here, but if there is a DENT in on the top "ring" around the container of the first one pictured, it could be a very bad sign, that is where the main seal and pct and anode protection thing is.