They all leak if you leave them sitting fully discharged. The seals are designed to contain pressure so no internal pressure=increased likelihood of leaking.
Of course the NiMH may be damaged by the long-term full discharge itself so chances are you'll keep them charged up and they'll leak less often. Not likely you'll forget about Eneloops long enough for them to completely self-discharge, unless the device has a slow drain
Cadmium salts are extremely toxic and may cause irreversible damage to lungs and sense of smell, damage to kidney, liver, blood and reproductive system. It is a known carcinogen that causes lung and prostate cancer, and severe poisoning can occur from only 10mg of the salts, yet we put batteries containing them in our childrens' toys.
If NiCD cells are leaking I'd toss them or wash up after handling them, even though Cd(OH2) is poorly soluble so the majority is plated out on the cell's anode.