Crystal salt deposit on NiCd, what are they?


Nov 30, 2006
Melbourne, Australia.
I have this old NICD that I took out of the torch, It is a 3.6V 3 cells in serial. I have noticed a lot of this white crystal/salt like deposits on the + end and none on the -end. What are they and is this mean my Nicd is dead? I am charging it at the moment with the Triton at 0.2 amp. So far so good and hope it does not explode on me.
from what I understand. All batteries are sealed from the atmosphere, but they have a seal or valve that will let the cell release preasure that is built up inside durreing charging (and mabyee discharging). durring normal use this seal remains intact UNLESS it is charged/discharged too hard. The crystals is the result of the chemical vapors being released from this seal (under the + terminal). Once the seal is broken there is a good chance that the innards will dry out and render the battery useless. ALSO this material IS CORROSIVE, esp to copper, and can/will/has many a flashlight to be eaten apart from the inside.

Nice info Jeff. I have left the battery unused for 7 years. It is currently recharging at 0.2amps as I don't know the capacity of it. It is getting into the 400 mAh range at the moment.
I have had many nimh and nicad batteries leak a little salt out of them. Most tend to lose some of their capacity but still work ok. I just clean them up and put them in my cheaper stuff. I am guessing the amount of capacity lost is perhaps twice the amount of material that bled out of it. Some have lost enough capacity that you cant put them with other cells because they die first in use and end up reversed and weakened more.
after recharging, it does not work :(. It is officially dead. I will have to shop for this battery. One Australian website had it sell for $100US :( and it is a 700mAh NiCd - don't you love Australia. I went to ebay and this US site could sell me one for $22US (delivered) and it is 1370mAh.
GarageBoy said:
What size is the battery? You could probably piece it together

I attempted to search for it but failed. It is 70mm in length and 26mm in diameter and is 3.6V. So it composed of 3 cells in series to make up about 70mm.
Was there ever a 1/2 C NiCD battery? If so, a 3 cell stick would be about this size.

LA OZ said:
I attempted to search for it but failed. It is 70mm in length and 26mm in diameter and is 3.6V. So it composed of 3 cells in series to make up about 70mm.
Does NiMh leek as much as NiCd? I was planning leaving the Enellop for extended periods of time in multitude of flashlight. House, cars...
They all leak if you leave them sitting fully discharged. The seals are designed to contain pressure so no internal pressure=increased likelihood of leaking.

Of course the NiMH may be damaged by the long-term full discharge itself so chances are you'll keep them charged up and they'll leak less often. Not likely you'll forget about Eneloops long enough for them to completely self-discharge, unless the device has a slow drain

Cadmium salts are extremely toxic and may cause irreversible damage to lungs and sense of smell, damage to kidney, liver, blood and reproductive system. It is a known carcinogen that causes lung and prostate cancer, and severe poisoning can occur from only 10mg of the salts, yet we put batteries containing them in our childrens' toys.

If NiCD cells are leaking I'd toss them or wash up after handling them, even though Cd(OH2) is poorly soluble so the majority is plated out on the cell's anode.

I've had this happen too, and as mentioned it means the cell leaked.
It usually either is dead or is ready to go.

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