Custom one off?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 8, 2007
Ive been drooling over your lights here, especially the Sceptre... but it seems like Ive missed out on it.
I saw a guy on ebay a while back selling machined aluminum part kits to be assembled on mini maglights that would make them look like LIGHTSABERS!
You seem to be THE MAN when it comes to machining maglites, so im wondering if i could custom order something form you with a lightsaber look to it? possible with the sceptres output?
well actually what im after is basically a modified maglight and it could be done TO a maglight without changing it TOO much..
BUT the main thing is i want the brightest freakin torch ....... sceptre strength........ no interested in runtime here, only output.... can i contact you privately mac to discuss?
well actually what im after is basically a modified maglight and it could be done TO a maglight without changing it TOO much..
BUT the main thing is i want the brightest freakin torch ....... sceptre strength........ no interested in runtime here, only output.... can i contact you privately mac to discuss?

Send me a PM.
