Copied from HERE.
dpled06-10-2007 08:45 PM
Custom Order
How does one place a custom order from the Shoppe? Doesn't appear the email system is working...:thinking:
dat2zip06-10-2007 11:18 PMRe: Custom Order
What about the email system? What's not working? We got an enquiry today from the site. Nothing yesterday, but, enquiries every other day.
What custom did you want to order?
dpled06-12-2007 08:55 PMRe: Custom Order
I sent a email to the shoppe (Sun night) and got no response. I was merly asking how someone...anyone goes about placing a custom order on the site.
Originally Posted by dat2zip (Post 2032079)
What about the email system? What's not working? We got an enquiry today from the site. Nothing yesterday, but, enquiries every other day.
What custom did you want to order?
Ms_SS06-13-2007 11:21 AMRe: Custom Order
You can send an inquiry to the "Contact Us" email located under Information on the right-hand column. Please use your real name as well as CPF name.
dpled06-13-2007 01:37 PMRe: Custom Order
Just sent you an email.....Thank you! :twothumbs
dpled07-12-2007 01:24 PMRe: Custom Order
Ms_SS... custom order #2 sent in email.
dpled06-10-2007 08:45 PM
Custom Order
How does one place a custom order from the Shoppe? Doesn't appear the email system is working...:thinking:
dat2zip06-10-2007 11:18 PMRe: Custom Order
What about the email system? What's not working? We got an enquiry today from the site. Nothing yesterday, but, enquiries every other day.
What custom did you want to order?
dpled06-12-2007 08:55 PMRe: Custom Order
I sent a email to the shoppe (Sun night) and got no response. I was merly asking how someone...anyone goes about placing a custom order on the site.
Originally Posted by dat2zip (Post 2032079)
What about the email system? What's not working? We got an enquiry today from the site. Nothing yesterday, but, enquiries every other day.
What custom did you want to order?
Ms_SS06-13-2007 11:21 AMRe: Custom Order
You can send an inquiry to the "Contact Us" email located under Information on the right-hand column. Please use your real name as well as CPF name.
dpled06-13-2007 01:37 PMRe: Custom Order
Just sent you an email.....Thank you! :twothumbs
dpled07-12-2007 01:24 PMRe: Custom Order
Ms_SS... custom order #2 sent in email.