"D" size leaking in Maglite


Newly Enlightened
Aug 16, 2007
What is causing the batteries in my 3 and 4 "D" mags to leak. This has happened in 2 of the 4 I own. I keep one under my bed and one in the closet. In both the top battery leaked. The one in my truck and my wife's SUV are fine. I was able to clean one but the 4"D" is not worth cleaning. I will buy a new one at the Lowe's after Thanksgiving sale.
I have a theory that it's the pressure put on the cells by the tailcap spring, but nothing to back that up....
Leaking is caused by basic chemistry. An old, usually depleted or at least low charge battery, will experience leaking due to the breakdown of the internal chemistry.
Some people even try to recharge Alkalines which very often ends up in a leaky battery that damages the equipment it's used in.

I always change out the Alkalines in all of the devices I use them in at least once every year if they aren't used during that year (flashlights or radios I keep on "standby" for emergencies). Never had one leak or fail yet.
I typically use Christmas as a the time I do that because it's an easy time to remember, and lot's of new batteries get bought during that time of the year anyway for toys and stuff.
What I do then is to replace all the "standby" batteries in those items, and then use those batteries in the things I use often which is a cheap way to "recycle" batteries until depleted.
Of course, I'm very careful to replace THOSE batteries as soon as they begin to dim.
I like how Zenster treat his devices and how he make full use of those 'standby' cells and not waste them. Definitely a good practice.