DBS V.2 arrived


Newly Enlightened
Jan 5, 2005
I received my DBS v2 yesterday .. the light is smaller than i expected and has an awesome throw .

i compared it with my Inova T4, the inova has a wider spot and wider beam, the dbs is a thrower i could compared both lights.

I set DBS v2 in 50% and it is brighter than the Inova T4, i can say that the Inova t4 is between 5% and 50% of my new DBS, i will try to post some beamshots comparisons this week

Loving this light
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I got mine not too long ago and was also suprised at the small size.

I've since upgraded the Q5 3SM with a DX R2 drop in. This light is perfect in every sense. Even at a clear night you can see the beam all the way up in the air.

Try adjusting the focus of the LED, I find turning it lose maybe 1/8 to 1/4 of a turn gives the best hot spot.
The DBS V2 is one of my favorite lights. I was surprised at how well it carries in my pockets, even if I'm wearing jeans, but I can hardly tell it's there in my cargo shorts. I usually clip it in my front left pocket (cargo shorts) and go for 3-5 mile walks in the evening pushing my kids in their stroller. The DBS V2 is great for spotting things when I'm in dark areas and I want to see what is lurking down the trail, road, etc. :)