I'm interested in a small power supply that would take a range of input voltages, and output 5v.
The application is a flexible USB charger. Something that could take 1 or 2 AA cells, or 1 or 2 18650 cells and provide a regulated output to charge a small electronic device (iPod, cell phone, etc.) via USB.
The idea is to have something that isn't too picky about input voltage, but provide a consistent output voltage.
I'd prefer something off the shelf, but could do a kit if needed.
Something similar but with a 12v output would be of interest as well (iv=6-14.8v; ov=12v).
Any thoughts?
The application is a flexible USB charger. Something that could take 1 or 2 AA cells, or 1 or 2 18650 cells and provide a regulated output to charge a small electronic device (iPod, cell phone, etc.) via USB.
The idea is to have something that isn't too picky about input voltage, but provide a consistent output voltage.
I'd prefer something off the shelf, but could do a kit if needed.
Something similar but with a 12v output would be of interest as well (iv=6-14.8v; ov=12v).
Any thoughts?