maybe someone can help me out here.
i'm still not real clear on CPF rules.
should this kind of Thread be relegated to the JEERS section? i'm really not sure, so i'm askin'.
reason is, some months ago as a brand spankin' new newbie (instead of just the newb' i am now), i mentioned a problem with an OnLine Retailer in a similar fashion/tone as the OP (more factual than rant about that retailer, although i did use a rather humorous, IMO, Seinfeld-ism and applied it to my attempted purchasing experience) and also announced my intent NOT to ever do business with them again.
within minutes, someone must have reported my Post to a mod/admin type, or he noticed it himself, and i was duly "spanked". being firmly encouraged to edit my Post and amend my ways - IMO, all very appropriate advice i might add.
please, don't take this Post as a criticism of that mod/admin person. i truly appreciated his input and also for taking the time to educate me on proper CPF Etiquette. he was also very kind and helpful in a PM exchange we had on the issue in question. it's all too easy to criticize and then things just degenerate from there on many, not all, occasions.
i guess i'm still really confused (this is *MY* personal problem, NOT CPF's) about what i can say without gettin' myself in more hot water, and have, a couple of times, wanted to warn, others about a product or a problem experienced and have hesitated from fear of being "spanked" harder the second time. i also felt that JEERS was too strong a place to put my criticism (maybe i'm wrong on that point) and also might not be noticed by those participating in the Thread that i was wanting to post to, and so those who might most benefit from my experience might never see the Post in JEERS (this sure is a big Board with many, many Threads and Posts).
is one permitted to make a Post in a Thread with a LINK to their JEERS Post? really don't know. hope someone can answer that question as that might be a solution to my confusion.