Dealextreme "true" green versus green


Newly Enlightened
Jul 21, 2007
I notice that the Dealextreme site with the New Wish lasers offers some of them as "true" green and others just green with a higher price for the "true" green. One I'm referring to in particular is the "true" green 50 mW for about twice the price of just a green 50 mW. What's the difference between the "true" green and regular green lasers?
"true" green has an IR filter on the output and the measured output power is ALL green energy. The cheaper ones have no IR filter and the output has an IR component which adds to the measured output power.

So the lower cost greens have for example 30mW green plus 20mW IR while "true green" is 50mW green and a very small amount of IR (or, maybe not so small, it could also mean 50mW green plus 30mW IR, or more).

Measuring the actual output power requires specialized equipment with pass filters for the specific desired wavelength, some other members will likely chime in here with some real-world experiences and figures, but that's the essence of the issue anyway...
"true" green has an IR filter on the output and the measured output power is ALL green energy. The cheaper ones have no IR filter and the output has an IR component which adds to the measured output power.

So the lower cost greens have for example 30mW green plus 20mW IR while "true green" is 50mW green and a very small amount of IR (or, maybe not so small, it could also mean 50mW green plus 30mW IR, or more).

Measuring the actual output power requires specialized equipment with pass filters for the specific desired wavelength, some other members will likely chime in here with some real-world experiences and figures, but that's the essence of the issue anyway...

Did you even read the description from DX? It states that the cheaper 50mW is a clone of the Newwish 50mW and is ascetically identical (or close), but it is cheaper. There is no true because DX states that they do not have the equipment to test the lasers and therefore they are sold as is. All of the DX lasers state that there is no IR filter, but there have been measured cases where there were IR filters. Basically, DX is just covering their *** to make sure incase there isn't an IR filter they aren't responsible for any damaged caused.
I have the "true" 30 mW version on the way, but I wanted to see what the 30 mW was like before considering the 50. I have an IR filter with decent response that I can install just in case, but then I wonder what the "true" power will be unless they already have filters as Corona says.
True Green is madfe by Newwish, you can see on the laser module it says that, and the other green is made by some Newwish clone company, of which there are lots.
Could someone post a pic of the new wish true green vs the clone both of which DX sells?

The pics on their site all show the same 10mw ver which doesnt help much :p
Here is a pic of the 50mW I just got from kaidomain. I'm pretty sure that they are the same as the cheaper 50mW from DX.

The laser beam is only visible at night or pretty dark areas. I can not feel any heat from the laser even at close range, also after about 30mins of using it the button has become a little harder to press and kinda annoying. I wouldn't bother purchasing it personally. My next laser will be from ultralasers for sure.
sorry to bring back an old thread, but its better than starting a new one. whats better about having all of your output be green energy, rather than a lot of IR?
sorry to bring back an old thread, but its better than starting a new one. whats better about having all of your output be green energy, rather than a lot of IR?

I guess it would depend on your application. There are strictly IR lasers that have a multitude of purposes. From a hobbyist perspective though, I think most people want a green laser with as little IR as possible as IR, being mostly invisible to the naked eye, can cause eye damage without the person even knowing it.

A green laser, due to the nature of its construction, emits IR light which is later converted into green light. If the laser was made properly, most of the IR should be filtered out by the time the final light is emitted but this is apparently not always the case. DX lasers have apparently stirred quite a lot of debate as some folks have mentioned that they have a lot of IR output as well as green. I myself have been unable to confirm this, but I hope to in the near future as there have been just as many claims/ studies confirming little IR production. Bottom line is that with a green laser, you don't also want IR.

It's simple -- human beings can SEE green. IR is invisible to us, so where's the fun in that?!

Seriously, that is part of it...but the other part is that green DPSS LASERs are actually IR LASERs that go through some crystals and get rebroadcast as green light. Pretty ingenious, really. BUT, flaws in their construction, etc can let some IR get through.

The "problem" with this, is that *we* want the visible part to be just about 50mw. You see, some companies measure the amount of green light coming out, and *some* companies measure the *total* amount of light output, and say it's 50mw.

It COULD be 50mw total, in the form of 5mw of green and 45mw of invisible IR. Also, the IR has a different focal length, so it's not in a nice tight beam...can't do anything with it.

WE want 50mw of green.

-- Chuck Knight
Those are definitely not "True" green lasers. Maybe it's better to steer clear...else you might end up with a) an IR laser with a little bit of green, b) a laser thats horribly under spec or c) a disposable "one time use" laser. :sssh:

Try checking out lasers from "Real" laser dealers. :naughty:
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Those are definitely not "True" green lasers. Maybe it's better to steer clear...else you might end up with a) an IR laser with a little bit of green, b) a laser thats horribly under spec or c) a disposable "one time use" laser. :sssh:

where are you getting this information from? have you actually bought and tested this for yourself? I have dismantled a newwish and a newwish clone and both laser modules had an IR filter in them. I don't have a meter but others on CPF have measured and found IR filtering to be quite good. I've bought about 12 of the cheap 50mw's from DX and all but 2 have worked fine one mode hops (but is very bright) the other has a low output the rest have been fine. I returned the low output one for a replacement no questions asked.
Don't spread mis-information state facts not opinions.
I am failing to see how any of the links you posted relate to the DX lasers?
There is one about the DX customer service, my personal experience with DX in terms of customer service has been excellent I have returned 3 things to them thus far 2 faulty lasers and one because it wasn't what I was after. The faulty products were replaced (in one instance I got the replacement laser before sending the faulty one back) and the refund for the other item was dealt with very well. The other thing is in all instances DX actually gave me store credit for the postage I paid to send the items back.
Again you are posting invalid information that is not relevant to the discussion. If you don't want to purchase a laser from DX because of your conceptions (or misconceptions) then don't try to influence others without having any proof. If you were to buy a DX laser dismantle it and make output measurement and then post your opinion it would be much more welcome.
I could buy a meter but I have no real way of calibrating it to confirm it is performing accurately, IMO that is as bad as not having a meter. I'm appreciative of the measurements made but others here and these laser maybe slightly overrated but they are not 'cheap' in the sense of quality but definately excellent value for money and DX is honest about what they are selling hence the disclaimers etc.
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Wouldn't it be better if you bought a laser and didn't have to send it back to be replaced? Just my two cents...

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