Deciding between Fenix L2D Premium and E20


Newly Enlightened
Aug 16, 2008
I was preparing a checklist of stuff I'd probably need for college, because who knows what could happen. I can't seem to find my Mini-Maglite, so I thought it'd be a great time to replace it. With a bit of googling and lots of reading, I've been able to focus my decisions between the L2D Premium and E20, other options are more than welcome.

I am looking for a LED flashlight with good throw and the power source being AA batteries, since I use Eneloops for everything. Otherwise, this is such a technical world that I'm not sure what else I could ask for.

Thanks for the help, its much appreciated. Its pretty mind-boggling trying to read everything but then again, " I r nub."
Well the L2D has the potential to be brighter and to have longer run time. Of course it is also more expensive. The only thing the E20 has that the L2d does not is the ability to give more flood. Make sure you use the cpf discount code when you buy your light, "CPF 8". Also check out the L2T, thats also avery nice fenix light.
Thats kind of hard i have both, the E20 is great for spot or flood but its only one output, while the L2D is multiple outputs which might be more useful. Especially for lowlight tasks.
Question for 276 if you don't mind: Of the four levels of the L2D [low, med, high, turbo] which level is the E20 closest to?
Thank you very much for the help, sol-lek and 276. I think I'll go for the L2D, because of the multiple outputs and the longer run-time. :p And a special thank you for that coupon code, I was originally going to order from Fenix Store via Amazon but that is a whole $9 more.

:/ I have a feeling this could get expensive, especially once I go back to MilSim airsoft.
i would say high on the regular L2D i have compared mine to some of my other lights and i would say its around 100 lumens like they say.
+1 L2D; personally I don't find the flood of E20 is any use due to its doughnut. I'm also a big fan of tailstand :p Oh of course, bright & efficient low mode of L2D.
The dougnut hole thing is completely untrue! It is nowhere near as pronounced as some pictures may lead you to believe, plus, you dont have to completely unscrew it and then the hole doesnt even begin to appear. You may still very well want to go with the L2D for the many reasons that make it a great light, but this doughnut thing is blown way out of proportion.
The dougnut hole thing is completely untrue! It is nowhere near as pronounced as some pictures may lead you to believe, plus, you dont have to completely unscrew it and then the hole doesnt even begin to appear. You may still very well want to go with the L2D for the many reasons that make it a great light, but this doughnut thing is blown way out of proportion.

Ok, ok, you're right; don't unscrew too much and you won't get any doughnut.

Personally I prefer wider and even hotspot; E20 didn't meet my expectation in terms of providing what I define as flood.

Just my 2 cents.

Howdy GanXta, and welcome to CPF,
Yep, the L2D is a perfect match for those AA Eneloops, and it is such a versatile light that it should cover most of your immediate flashlight needs for a while. At the moment my L2D's primary duty is serving as my bicycle headlight.
:paypal: $47.04 as an investment for my well being.

Howdy GanXta, and welcome to CPF,
Yep, the L2D is a perfect match for those AA Eneloops, and it is such a versatile light that it should cover most of your immediate flashlight needs for a while. At the moment my L2D's primary duty is serving as my bicycle headlight.

:D May the Flashlight God(s) have mercy on my wallet. Besides college, headphones, gaming and Ipods, I have a new hobby to pay alms to.
:paypal: $47.04 as an investment for my well being.

:D May the Flashlight God(s) have mercy on my wallet. Besides college, headphones, gaming and Ipods, I have a new hobby to pay alms to.

Your flashlight god will not save your soul.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Matthew 16:26
Your flashlight god will not save your soul.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Matthew 16:26
Lightwalker, you will recall a previous episode where your misplaced and importunate religious posturing earned you a suspension. No more, please, if you wish to remain here.
I have both and I find the L2D a far better light.

The Flashlight "gods" will have no mercy on your wallet, even when you pay them more and more homage with photons.

May want to look elsewhere.

(Mr Moderator, he brought it up). :D
I prefer throw. Bought an L2D, then the E20 comes out. Wish I would have gotten that one instead.

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L2D was the correct choice. I suspect you might be making a few more "correct" choices in the near future.
I prefer throw. Bought an L2D, then the E20 comes out. Wish I would have gotten that one instead.
You are probably better off with the L2D. The peak throw of my E20 (~3500lux) is actually about the same as my L2D on Turbo (~3350 lux), both at 1m. The E20 just looks like it throws better because it has a wider and much more defined hotspot, with dimmer spillbeam.
For some reason, I already have an itching for some other flashlights for more specific functions. However, I shall use my will power to hold off, at least until I get more monies.
i have your answer ,it has everything you want because i want it too and am on the ropes of buying it but kinda short on funds....AA thrower with good runtime right....Lumapower D-mini se Q5 with 2aa tube, someone is selling a dmini se in marketplace right now for $50 and you could pick up the 2aa tube here is Dmini if you want it brand new

3 power levels it will have more runtime on "high" with AA rather than cr123 im guessing 2 hours on some E2/L91 energizer lithiums