deerelight CL1H lumens ?


Sep 12, 2007
Georgia, C.S.A.
i'm having a hard time finding much on this light, and the stat sheet i did find didn't mention lumens. anyone know ?
I'm guessing the High to be 100+ lumens and the low on the Two stage to be 25-35 lumens. I don't own the light so there are just guesses.

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Hi Saiga,

:welcome: Using my calibrated eyeballs I'd guestimate about 140 on high and 35 on low.That's with the Cree P4 2-mode.

There are very informative threads in the review section and the CPFMP mnufacturers section.

The CL1H has several P60 size modules that are available from Dereelight, and I have all of them. The emitter modules can be used with smooth or OP textured reflectors. I have a lot of common lights including various Fenix and LumaPower lights with widely reported outputs. I have a light meter but do not have a formal light box for measuring lumens, so let me offer some crude subjective estimates. The Dereelight SCC P4 module has an output of about 100-120 lumens, the CREE P4 has about 130 lumens, and the two-mode and five-mode Q2 modules have a high that is 150+ lumens. Remember, that you can use other P60 modules, so you can customize this light to meet your needs. Moreover, exchanging the module is so easy that you can alter the characteristics of the output in a couple of minutes. This light is quite versatile.
I took the five mode version for a walk with the dog tonight. With the smooth reflector it throws nicely lighting objects easily at 100'+. I can get better estimates without the dog pulling me some night.

It is noticeably brighter than the P2D max vs max regardless of the reflector used on the CL1H. The OP reflector really smooths the beam out and significantly reduces the Cree ring around the hotspot. It is a very bright light, my brightest. I wanted something with decent throw and liked the upgradeability mantra. Like it's beam with OP too. Packaging is quaintly cool.
I'd also agree that the Q2 modules on high are putting out around 150 lumens, out the front. On high with a smooth reflector the light really throws.
I'd also agree that the Q2 modules on high are putting out around 150 lumens, out the front. On high with a smooth reflector the light really throws.

Very impressive considering the 2+ hour runtime with the 18650! Dereelight is coming out with a better bin CL1H next week or so. It should use either a Q4 or Q5.
Nice! They just announced the availability of the DBS, which has a Q4. Hopefully a Q4 pill will be available for the CL1H. There is a CL1H V3.0 coming out too. Maybe I'll have to order the new CL1H with the new module, and a DBS. My poor bank account.

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