The CL1H has several P60 size modules that are available from Dereelight, and I have all of them. The emitter modules can be used with smooth or OP textured reflectors. I have a lot of common lights including various Fenix and LumaPower lights with widely reported outputs. I have a light meter but do not have a formal light box for measuring lumens, so let me offer some crude subjective estimates. The Dereelight SCC P4 module has an output of about 100-120 lumens, the CREE P4 has about 130 lumens, and the two-mode and five-mode Q2 modules have a high that is 150+ lumens. Remember, that you can use other P60 modules, so you can customize this light to meet your needs. Moreover, exchanging the module is so easy that you can alter the characteristics of the output in a couple of minutes. This light is quite versatile.