Hey dont feel bad. Welcome to the world of modding. Think of this as the first lesson in trouble shooting.
I had the same experience the first time I modded. Ended up shorting the driver and it was toast. Had to wait 2 weeks for a replacement. But after that arrived and I changed it, It was all good and it's still working 5 years later.
So the light lit up, then flickered and died. After turning it off, can you turn the light on again? Does it even light up ?
It could be you have a short somewhere in the light, you didn't insulate the heatsink or there is a wire rubbing somewhere. Take it apart, check it for shorts.
Are you using a driver board? Check the board, was it properly heat-sinked, does it have a short somewhere, is a piece of wire soldered onto the board touching metal?
To check if you have killed the LED or not, take a 3 volt battery, and apply current to just the LED itself, does it light up? If it lights up, it could be you have burned out something somewhere else.
The first thing to do is to just take things apart and check your wiring. Could be a loose solder joint too.
Hope you can get it working again.