DeHong Strongarm Homage


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

A while back I tested two StrongArms !
A US Strongarm and a Chinese Strongarm ! & There was little difference to separate the two in edge retention ! Yeah , a big price difference but other than that ?
Neither knife was outstanding ! Which made the US made Strongarm , seem like poor value !

DeHong Strongarm Homage ! ( Not a clone or a fake ! But rather a copy ) The difference is a massive one = Price ! There was another difference as well ! Edge retention ! It was .......................... excellent ! Maybe not the sort of thing people want to know from a Sub $25 Banana ( Oz Banana ) to my door knife ! I mean , it's kind of crazy good value for money . ( 600 slices for 25 bananas )
I post this 2 weeks after testing on account I got sick ...... Real Sick ! Bed ridden for 8 days and still running Hot N Cold .. ( Covid RAT test came up negative - influenza ? )
Anyways , feel just well enough to post this !
Don't know what to say , DeHong , hu ?
Not saying anything ! Except that the one I got was surprisingly impressive from the perspective of edge retention for $$ spent .
I have personally spent more for less . ( Brand names ) . So I find it interesting that sometimes the cheaper choice is the ...................... better choice . I own a lot of disappointing knives because I watched to many ( BS ) reviews where people crow about product A or B . And then the hype simply does not match reality ! Or maybe the QC at the factory is poor ?

It's apples and oranges ! Some people like expensive good knives and some people like cheap knives ( may or may not be good ) . I like cheap good knives . They are out there , unfortunately due to ........................................................... ?
There is very little knife testing taking place . I'm only testing edge retention , cos that's what matters to me ! If the knife is also bushcrafty ? Then that's a bonus . ( A knife is designed to cut things ( slice ) , so the more it cuts - the better )
A little over 10 years ago I started buying Chinese knives and they were Bolted together nice enough ! The big let down at the time was edge retention . ( CrMov ) Yeah , it was the big intro into CrMov and it was ............. bad ! These days it looks like most Chinese manufacturers have got the hang of cooking CrMov and edge retention has seriously improved . ( Ganzo ) . Still , there are companies making disappointing knives , but the situation is improving .