Flashlight Enthusiast
A while back I tested two StrongArms !
A US Strongarm and a Chinese Strongarm ! & There was little difference to separate the two in edge retention ! Yeah , a big price difference but other than that ?
Neither knife was outstanding ! Which made the US made Strongarm , seem like poor value !
DeHong Strongarm Homage ! ( Not a clone or a fake ! But rather a copy ) The difference is a massive one = Price ! There was another difference as well ! Edge retention ! It was .......................... excellent ! Maybe not the sort of thing people want to know from a Sub $25 Banana ( Oz Banana ) to my door knife ! I mean , it's kind of crazy good value for money . ( 600 slices for 25 bananas )
I post this 2 weeks after testing on account I got sick ...... Real Sick ! Bed ridden for 8 days and still running Hot N Cold .. ( Covid RAT test came up negative - influenza ? )
Anyways , feel just well enough to post this !
Don't know what to say , DeHong , hu ?