Deoxit-a great product!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2003
I have used Deoxit a couple of times and it has come thru each time! The first time was when a light just would not come on no matter what I tried, I put some Deoxit on the contacts and that was all it took. Last nite my tv remote just wouldn't work and I put some on the contacts and it started back working immediately! I use it on all my flashlight contacts and I really like this product as it really works!! I have both types and both are great!!
and the red one is by far the most effective, while the gold one preserves the just cleaned contacts... I know all about it, I use it at least one time a week, and every time it hust WORKS! It holds promise... and that's great :twothumbs

We just cleaned out the garage and added some new cabinets and I had to disconnect an old 4-prong style phone jack. Later, when I reconnected it, it worked only intermittently. When first plugging it in, it worked. When I checked the next day... wasn't working. I have to move a cabinet to check it so it was a bit of a pain. Wiggled it around some... it started working again. Next day.. no worky again. :hairpull: So this time, I put some red DeoxIt on the prongs. Plugged it back in and it's been working ever since. :party:
Great stuff! I use it for lottsa stuff like that.
I bought this:
I was worried that they were only 2ml per tube - but that stuff lasts really well. When I get low on Deoxit I will buy a couple more of these 2-packs - I never want to be without this product! My garage remote is working easily without me having to push like hell on the button, my Jet-IIIM no longer flickers and other lights are working better too.
There have been quite a few threads about Deoxit and its uses. There's an earlier thread here, but it is about 1 year old now so we'll leave this new one running.
Another Deoxit/Progold fan here

i need to get some of the pen applicators, the little spraycans are too wasteful and messy.
I find the stuff simply amazing! I bought the little bottles and they will most likely last my lifetime and then some as a little goes a long way!
I ordered some this weekend and can't wait for it to come. Bought it for flashlight use, but since then my hearing aid started cutting in and out... I know it's the contacts.

Say what?? :grin2:
I ordered some this weekend and can't wait for it to come. Bought it for flashlight use, but since then my hearing aid started cutting in and out... I know it's the contacts.

Say what?? :grin2:

Most switches work by physically making & breaking an electrical connection - the contact point can arc or the metal can oxidise and cause problems. When you insert batteries the contact points at either end can oxidise. Therefore most devices that have a switch or use batteries that aren't soldered in can sometimes have need of Deoxit.

I am sure you can find lots of stuff that can be fixed by your Deoxit when it arrives!

I SAID . . .
My fellow cpf people have convinced me, so signed up to 4sevens and ordered some, thanks for the link.
Bought my Deoxit pack from the local Radio Shack...was going to order online but thought I would check the closest electronic store and found them.
For anyone with a Fry's Electronics nearby, you can get the pen applicators, spray, and my personal favorite the combo pack of 100% solution in both DeoxIT and DeoxIT Gold. IIRC, the price is something like $24.95, which is a steal.

Here's what the kit looks like:
and the red one is by far the most effective, while the gold one preserves the just cleaned contacts... I know all about it, I use it at least one time a week, and every time it hust WORKS! It holds promise... and that's great :twothumbs


With a weekly maintenance program you should never suffer a bad connection ... until you wear the metal away! :nana: Save yourself some time, Timmo, if properly cleaned, you shouldn't have to treat most contacts more than yearly. YMMV and others may have had different results, but unless the contacts are exposed or constantly wiped, the Deoxit/Gold treatment should last a long time.

I've been using the stuff since '79 :eek:oo: (that's 1979 for you young whippersnappers ) and have found Caig's instructions to work well: 1) Apply the red Deoxit to the contacts. Wipe it on well with a Q-tip or other applicator so it fully coats the metal. Let it sit for awhile and then wipe the contacts with a clean applicator.

2) Repeat that procedure with the Gold to protect the freshly cleaned metal surfaces.

Caig had always recommended cleaning off excess product as only a very thin film is necessary and won't attract dirt. Sure, you can just apply the Deoxit or Gold and they will improve the connection, but the above method may have more lasting results.

Please chime in if you've had a different or better experience.
I need some of the tubes. The cans did a thorough cleaning of... 2 lights.... the end. I may have a kind of heavy trigger finger though :xyxgun:
I would have to agree with the gushing comments here about this stuff.

I have a gas fireplace with a thermostat. We couldn't get it to fire. I applied Deoxit to all contacts (both at the thermostat end and the fireplace end. The fireplace fired up perfectly right after that.

An application of Deoxit is now part of my fall maintenance on this fireplace. I love this stuff! :thumbsup:

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