Deployment Gift Suggestions


Newly Enlightened
Apr 6, 2009
My lil brother is deploying for Afghanistan this fall. On his recent visit home he was showing off his military issue light that he got (Pelican M6 I believe). Nice little light but I would like to send him off with something better. Any suggestions. Would especially like to hear from anyone who has been over there already. He is a combat engineer, does a lot with explosives if that helps at all. Thank you.
I'd probably go with the Z2/C2. Its easier to hold it while your holding something else(tools, etc.), mouth hold while working/looking for something is better with a rubber combat grip.

The P60 can be switched out with a multimode module to save battery.
Zebralight 501, comes with a clip for use on waistband, molle gear, hat, shirt collar, etc. and will run on any AA he can find... Maybe the cr123 version if his unit has access to freebies. Long running, cheap to feed, nice and floody, very versatile leaving both hands free if needed. Not a whiz-bang, gee-whiz light, but that's not always what gets the job done. E1B or similar (Single cell, 123 or AA, simple UI and not complicated.) sounds nice, too, if you're wanting to send him with two. Remember, he's got to carry all this stuff, and already will have quite a load. My $.02 :)
I haven't been there, but know people who were and are there. Some thoughts...

Something that runs on AA might be better than the cr123's for availability reasons.

something that has a low light/moonlight mode.

A headlamp might interfere with NODs or his kevlar headpiece.

The smaller and/or shorter the better.

surefire is time tested and solid.
surefire E2 defender LED . someone mentioned AA batteries being preferable to CR123's but I think there are lots of other 123 lights being used in that theater.

other good choices are Surefire E1B- useful dual beam and great size.
novatac 120 is a good choice- great size, durability, and waterproof
I would ask him if he needs more of a tactical use light, or a general purpose light.

For a Tac-light, I'd get him a C2/Z2 with a Malkoff M60/61. Single mode, on and off, not complicated, very efficient, bright, and tough.

For a general purpose light, I'd take a look at a single 123 based light. I don't know what your budget would be, but I would look at a Ra 140/170, possibly even a 100 high CRI. If those are too expensive, I'd second a Novatac 120, but would make sure I got one of the original models, not one of the newer, Chinese made ones, for better quality.

EagleTac T100C2 Mark II ~ Neutral

Absolutely one of the best lights at any cost,
no nonsense operation,
runs on either {2} cr123 or an 18650,...excellent regulation for either battery configuration.

Fantastic light..:thumbsup:
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Zebralight 501, comes with a clip for use on waistband, molle gear, hat, shirt collar, etc. and will run on any AA he can find... Maybe the cr123 version if his unit has access to freebies. Long running, cheap to feed, nice and floody, very versatile leaving both hands free if needed. Not a whiz-bang, gee-whiz light, but that's not always what gets the job done. E1B or similar (Single cell, 123 or AA, simple UI and not complicated.) sounds nice, too, if you're wanting to send him with two. Remember, he's got to carry all this stuff, and already will have quite a load. My $.02 :)
Zebralight is not the most reliable light, mine failed after 4mo of regular use. I doubt it would survive the rigors of combat life.

IMO the saint seems much better built and it runs on more batteries which means more light and less frequent battery changes which means less opportunity for the electronics to get fouled up.
Whatever you send make sure it has a red or green filter. I read an article about how they require red/green for general lighting at night to prevent getting snipped. If I can find the article I will post it. It had something to do with those colors preventing accuracy because of color diffusing through a scope.
EagleTac T20C2 is my suggestion. Runs on two CR123 batteries, which I assume he will have unlimited access to. Also, it is very bright, with a fabulous UI that allows easy selection of turbo or general mode, plus tactical strobe, and ultra-low levels too.

Here's the review of the T20C2 from 'selfbuilt'.

The T20C2 can be bought with colored filters, as well as SMO or OP reflector (OP recommended).
