Ok, these pics were all taken with my little Canon A590 IS on Manual. I set the white balance on "cloudy" because on the screen it looked most like what my naked eye saw and I think these pictures show the tint pretty well. The distance between the lights and the door is 95 inches. The first four beamshots compare P60 sized lights.
This set up is my mic stand on the left ad camera tripod on the right. Obviously the camera is in my hands at this point!
My door (painted white) on which the lights will be shined.
Beamshot 1: Dereelight CL1H with Q5, 3SD pill #1 and a Smooth reflector
Here we see a nicely defined hotspot with nice even spill and only one yellowish halo around the hotspot.
Beamshot 2: Dereelight CL1H with Q5, 3SD pill #2 and an Orange Peel reflector
Here it looks like the OP reflector has eliminated the halo and the hotspot still looks pretty concentrated.
Beamshot 3: Surefire 6P with a Malkoff M60
Woah, the spill is much less defined than on the CL1H. Does the stock SF 6P lens take away brightness from the M60? Check the next pic for AN answer (who knows if it's a correct one?).
Beamshot 4: Malkoff host M2D (#55) with an M30
In this pic, the spill looks brighter. If the M30 and M60 put out the same brightness, then the lens takes away some brightness.
For these next pics, I just had to show some differences between the R2 and MC-E, at least at close range. Tomorrow I'll add outdoor pics that really tell the tale between the thrower and flooder!
Beamshot 5: Dereelight DBS with an R2 pill and Smooth reflector
Check out that hot spot!
Beamshot 6: Dereelight DBS with an MC-E pill and Orange peel reflector
Basically, this spill is as bright as all the other shots' hot spot.
Beamshot 7: Dereelight CL1H with MC-E and the older Orange Peel reflector
Funny, the spill looks larger than when the MC-E pill is loaded into the DBS. I suppose it makes sense since there's more distance between it and the exit point when it's in the DBS than in the CL1H. It makes for a more intense but narrower cone of light in the DBS and a wider cone in the CL1H.
Maybe I'll go and take pics with the M60 in the M2D. I'll use the same battery, of course!