Dereelight D.E.D. dead


Oct 9, 2006
hollister, ca.
Well I recieved a dereelight 3sm q2 5a w/op a couple of days ago...

Installed the drop in and it worked beautifully....
Well after a day or 2 of very light use the drop in is dead...
Checked the batteries and switch, even droppped in the original p60 module....Wroked fine. I know for a fact that the batteries were never reversed, as it worked when I put the light away yesterday...and today nada.

Any ideas????

I sent Dereelight an e-mail stating all of this...Has anyone had something happen like this before? Was the outcome good????/
make sure the plastic insulator between the pill and the reflector (it's either attached to the reflector or sandwiched between them) is complete and does not allow the LED contacts to touch the metal reflector. I have a slightly wonky plastic insulator in my OP reflector that I've chosen to live with for the moment. It causes the LED to short to ground on occasion if the pill is screwed all the way into the reflector, which (thankfully) causes the regulator to shut down.

If that doesn't prove helpful I'm sure Dereelight will make it right, I've had a VERY good experience with their customer service and intend to buy another of their lights soon.

Dereelight has already contacted me.
They are sending me a new pill....

I figured out what was wrong though....
I unscrewed the reflector and the led star fell out in my hand. HRMMMM....???
I looked closer and the star was not attached with thermal epoxy allowing it to move and break both wires...

Dereelight is doing great by me Alan is great to deal with...In my reply message I suggested some thermal epoxy under the star instead of just thermal compund, would solve this from happening again....

The only thing I might do to the new module is to pot the star in epoxy when I get it to make it reliable. The last thing I want is a module from ANYONE failing on me while it is being used

I would probably apply a thin line of superglue around the base if the epoxy is not strong enough. After all, when the next new insane emitter comes along, you can be sure Dereelight will have them on modules.
Fird mentioned the possibilty of the pilll shorting to the reflector so I thought I would post the easy sollution that I found at the local OSH,
in the form of a thin nylon washer. The washer is 1/2" OD with a 9/32" hole, Part #632-B, which fits perfectly around the LED and ends just shy of the inside wall of the pill.

9/16" would have been better, but you take what you can find. It does not interfere with screwing the pill into the reflector and is far more positive than the paper or thin film I've seen. I've done this with a couple of DX Q5 modules and its works perfectly. The washers are in a drawer in the misc. cabinet hardware display.

Hope this helps someone and keeps them from frying a poor defensless drop-in.
Depends on where you live. I'm in the Seattle area and it takes about a week and a half to get stuff from Alan.
Well 11 days later and still no sign of a replacement.
I wonder how long its gonna take????

The lights ship EMS, but parts are usually shipped with HK Post. Sometimes it is just as fast, sometimes it's closer to 2 weeks. On average I'd expect it to show up in the next few days.