Dereelight DBS or Tiablo A9?


Dec 4, 2007
Dereelight DBS 2SM (Q5) or Tiablo A9 Q5? I'm looking for a good, solid thrower to replace my D-Mini, which is nice but lacks long-distance punch. Sadly the MRV seems to be outgunned by both the DBS and A9 so no more Luma for me.

From what I've read, the DBS is slightly larger and heavier but has a forward clickie, a deeper reflector to outthrow the A9, and an easily upgradeable emitter module. The A9, however, is lighter and IMO better looking (love the heatsink and tailcap), is available in black, and has pretty impressive runtime on CR123s.

However, I've found it hard to find out what sort of runtime the DBS has on primaries... all comparisons between the throwers seem to have different batteries in each, which makes true comparisons hard. Anyone know of a runtime chart for a Q5 DBS on primaries?
Will you be using 18650's? The DBS is optimized for 18650's, and the best performance as far as regulation and max output will come from the 1SD, 2SD, and 3DS Q5 WC modules with 18650 batteries.

The DBS should also offer the best heat sinking with the brass pills, large aluminum reflector, and a lot of aluminum material on the bezel and head.

I just received a DBS 2SM from a trade with another member here for a A9 WCQ5. The DBS that I received has the OP reflector which I like alot but doesn't throw as far as a smooth reflector. The A9 on the other hand had a smooth reflector and the throw was very good but I cannot compare the 2 for throw because of the different reflectors.
The thing I really like about the DBS is the build. It is heavier then the A9 and feels better in my hand then the A9. I like that it does have the forward clicky and with the 2SM, you just need to turn the body/head to switch between high and low. Right now, I am running SF123s in it but I also have AW 18650 that I haven't used yet. I will be getting another pill for it when I am ready.
I too would like to know the difference in run time between primaries and 18650s with the 2SM pill.
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I'll probably be using CR123s or RCR123s so I'm considering the DBS SM or the A9, which means both will be running at 1A on high. Still sounds like the DBS will marginally outthrow the A9 and I love the idea of popping a new pill in a year.

I'm still hunting for runtimes for the DBS using CR123s, however. If the A9's 3+ hours on high is true then it sounds pretty attractive.

5.0... what made you trade the A9 for a DBS?
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5.0... what made you trade the A9 for a DBS?

I like the extra weight of the DBS, the ability to upgrade as new pills become available and just the way it feels in my hand. Even if both lights were identical in throw and runtimes, it would still be the DBS. It just feels better in my hand. I guess im just picky when it comes to my lights...

Oh, and did I mention it Feels better in my hand? :)
I have never handelled either, but from all the reviews I have read, the Tiablo is machined better. Throw between these two lights will be governed by the type of reflector. If both have smooth, the DBS will throw further. If they both have OP, it will appear they are about even I would imagine. I like both of them, but I like the size of the A9 and the overall look of it better. The DBS is a little bit longer and wider, and as a result, it throws a little further. Machining on the A9 is "some of the best ever" according to some CPFers.
I have never handelled either, but from all the reviews I have read, the Tiablo is machined better. Machining on the A9 is "some of the best ever" according to some CPFers.

The machining on both lights were top notch. Can't go wrong with either. I guess it all what you perfere.
I've got them both, an A9s (Special Edition Q5) I bought about 2 months ago, and a DBS/2SM(Q5) I got just last week.
I also have the optional 2SD pill for the DBS but am using the 2SM right now in order to compare the two lights using CR123 batteries.

After playing around with both of them and comparing them side by side in all respects, here's my personal thoughts, but remember, YMMV:

1. The Tiablo is definitely better machined and finished than the DBS, but I have no complaints with the DBS either. It's just that all the machining and finishing on the Tiablo is "cleaner" and "sharper".
My Tiablo is the natural finish, simply because I prefer it over the black.
A friend of mine came over the other night and I wanted to show him one of my new lights, and it's the Tiablo I showed him just because it's so darn pretty.

2. I have SM reflectors in both of them, and I actually like the A9s beam better. The DBS beam is ringy while the A9s beam is a nice, even white center transitioning out to the spill.
For my part, I think I'll leave the SM reflector in the A9s and let it be my "thrower", and put the OP reflector in the DBS as more of an all-purpose light.
As far as pure "throw", yes, the DBS has a deeper reflector so it will focus a tighter beam, but I'm not that happy with the pencil thin beam even if it reaches as far as it does (plus as I said earlier, the DBS beam is ringy). I prefer the wider smooth beam of the A9s (with SM) for throw because it still reaches out, but it does so with a more useful, wider beam.

3. I don't get the comment about someone liking the DBS better because it's heavier (which it is) and larger (which it is).
While I can see stuffing the A9s in my pocket on the way out the door, the DBS just crosses the line into being a "holster" light.
I am much more impressed with the fact that the A9s is really quite equal to the DBS as a thrower light, yet, does so in a smaller package.

4. I do prefer the forward clicky on the DBS for sure. Also, with the DBS, I like to be able to turn it on to the last brightness setting without having to click through other settings to get there as with the A9s. Not a big minus for the A9s, but still, I like the "saved setting" design of the DBS better whether with the 2SM or 2SD module (which also saves settings).

5. As far as runtimes, I can't say because I haven't run any batteries down yet in either of them.

Lastly, I can say that I like them both a lot and wouldn't trade one for the other. They're both keepers in my collection, and I know I'll be using both of them more as time goes on. I'm anxious to get some 18650's I have on order because the primary use of the DBS is intended (by me) to be used with the 2SD module and rechargeable battery while having the 2SM module on hand for when the power goes out and I want to use CR123's as backup.
I have always only intended to use CR123's in the Tiablo so that's why I bought the A9s model instead of the A8.

I will add that I am a little disappointed in the build quality of the DBS compared to the A9s considering that they cost within just $2.00 of each other. Still, if I lost the DBS tomorrow, I would order another to replace it.

I currently have the new "improved" MRV-SE/Epsilon on order which is now supposed to put out 265 lumens, and my primary mission for it is to get the extension tube for use with 2x18650 batteries which should give some hellacious runtimes.
For all three of the above lights, I have (or have ordered) both the SM and OP reflectors so I'm sure I'll have some fun playing back and forth with how their beams change with them.

That's my totally unsolicited .02 lumens, and I'm sticking to 'em.
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Thanks for the comments. CPF always amazes me in that there's always *someone* who has both the lights I'm trying to compare!

As always, it appears there's no one perfect light for me :( I love the modular pill idea of the DBS and it's longer throw capabilities but not so keen on its size/weight and the tailcap design (no basic paracord lanyard possibility). I also suspect it'll have lower runtime for CR123s but I could be wrong.

The big bummer on the A9 is the emitter integrated in the main tube, which not only make upgrading harder but also makes repairing a busted LED harder. The reverse clicky and UI is also not as nice as the simple 2SM on the DBS (which sounds like a poor-man's brightness memory)

How much thinner is the DBS beam at, say, 100ft? You also mentioned they were within $2 of each other... I presume that's after some sort of discount on the A9S (which normally sells for $128, IIRC).
Thanks for the comments. CPF always amazes me in that there's always *someone* who has both the lights I'm trying to compare!

Here's answers to your questions below... with an UPDATE!

As always, it appears there's no one perfect light for me :( I love the modular pill idea of the DBS and it's longer throw capabilities but not so keen on its size/weight and the tailcap design (no basic paracord lanyard possibility). I also suspect it'll have lower runtime for CR123s but I could be wrong.

First of all, I don't think the DBS "outclasses" the A9s by any significant margin (I'm comparing them both having Q5's in them).
And yes, the upgradeable, modular pill design is a very strong reason why I "had to have" a DBS (and also now a CL1H) in my collection. The DBS is a long-term light for me.
The runtime on the A9s, I think, has been posted somewhere else and I believe it's pretty respectable. I, like others, don't yet know how the DBS/2SM runtime compares with CR123's.
I'm not sure exactly what a "paracord" lanyard is, but the DBS is drilled to accept a lanyard through it's tailcap.
As far as the size and weight of the DBS compared to the A9s, yes, it's bigger and heavier, but I don't think I'd make a decision based on just that.

The big bummer on the A9 is the emitter integrated in the main tube, which not only make upgrading harder but also makes repairing a busted LED harder. The reverse clicky and UI is also not as nice as the simple 2SM on the DBS (which sounds like a poor-man's brightness memory).

I'm not so concerned about the upgradeability of the A9s, although Tiablo has come out and said that it can be upgraded and there WILL be upgrades available as real advances in emitters arrive.
At the same time, I really wouldn't care if I never upgrade my A9s because it's a helluva good working light as it is. It already lights up things that my eyesight can't make out anyway. I'm not sure I'll upgrade the A9s even when modules are available. It, and the other lights in the 250 lumen class are that good.
Like you, I prefer a forward clicky, but the reverse clicky as well as having to click through low to high on the A9s isn't really a "deal breaker". While I have a preference for the DBS method of memory settings and forward clicky, I'm not really "annoyed" by the way the A9s works either.

How much thinner is the DBS beam at, say, 100ft? You also mentioned they were within $2 of each other... I presume that's after some sort of discount on the A9S (which normally sells for $128, IIRC).

I can't put an actual size on the beam comparison, but I can say that the DBS with SM is about 1/2 the size of the Tiablo's SM beam at around 100 feet.
As far as pricing, you're right; I paid $127.95 for the A9s, but I also ended up paying $125.00 for the DBS w/2SD module on top of which I paid an additional $26.50 for the 2SM module plus another $25 for the optional extra OP reflector.
So in reality, I've got $128 into the A9s while I have $176.50 into the DBS.
But obviously, the basic DBS/2SD @ $125 is within just $3 of the A9s.


When I got home at dark tonight, I switched out the SM reflector in the DBS for the OP reflector... and I am in LOVE!
The center beam of the DBS w/OP is now twice as large as the A9s at about 25 feet, and it's now very smooth with a VERY nice transition to the (still very) bright spill.
So my earlier thought of using my A9s as a "thrower" and the DBS with it's OP reflector is EXACTLY what I was looking for.
And by the way, the DBS with OP still "throws" damn good.

If I needed to do it all over again, I wouldn't have spent the money on an extra reflector for the DBS; I would only have bought it with the OP reflector.
I LOVE the DBS with OP reflector, so that's how it's going to stay configured for the foreseeable future.
Now that I've compared both of these lights, the DBS with OP and the A9s with SM, I am mighty impressed with both of them and they are both DEFINITELY "here to stay".

I LOVE the DBS with OP reflector, so that's how it's going to stay configured for the foreseeable future.
Now that I've compared both of these lights, the DBS with OP and the A9s with SM, I am mighty impressed with both of them and they are both DEFINITELY "here to stay".

I love the OP reflector in my DBS also but plan on getting a SM reflector soon. Interested in selling your? ;)
I love the OP reflector in my DBS also but plan on getting a SM reflector soon. Interested in selling your? ;)

No, because I'll want to keep it for possible use with future upgrades like the R5... and beyond. You never know how things may change.

As I said, others MMV, so I do recommend that you go ahead and get the SM just to have it. Considering that it's solid machined aluminum, I didn't find the $25 price to be terribly exorbitant.

I was comtemplating on A9 or DBS, but after reading all the reviews I go ahead & ordered the DBS.

No doubt! The throw is fantastic with smooth reflector and after cleaning the threads operation is very smooth.

I have the 2SM and a 2SD in on it's way for regulating with 18650.
Does the DBS really give nearly 4x the high output of the CL1H? It's only 2.5cm longer and 1.3cm wider at the head... not that much bigger.
Dunno since I don't own either... but from my research I'd say it's likely the DBS hotspot is significantly brigher, although total output would be much closer. The DBS not only has a wider reflector but also a much deeper reflector, which is key to long throw.
Does the DBS really give nearly 4x the high output of the CL1H? It's only 2.5cm longer and 1.3cm wider at the head... not that much bigger.

I get about 9,300LUX out of my CL1H, and 25,500LUX out of my DBS. More like 2 1/2 times, and the DBS's reflector is MUCH larger than the CL1H's reflector.
Does the DBS really give nearly 4x the high output of the CL1H? It's only 2.5cm longer and 1.3cm wider at the head... not that much bigger.

Output or Throw? :thinking:
Output is the total ammount of light produced. If you're using the same pill and the same cell, the output should be identical.
Throw is how much the light is concentrated into the spot. The DBS reflector definitely has twice the throw of the CLH1.
Does the DBS really give nearly 4x the high output of the CL1H? It's only 2.5cm longer and 1.3cm wider at the head... not that much bigger.

I didn't mention it because it wasn't part of the original discussion, but I also have the CL1H V3 w/3SD module.

I have to admit that all my observations are just that, and I don't have the means to do specific measurements as does WadeF, but to me, I'd say the DBS is about "twice as bright" overall as the CL1H, and the DBS certainly has a more intense hot spot while the CL1H is more of a utility light from my perspective.

They are really two totally different lights, regardless of their using the same emitter, due to the head and reflector design.
Comparing the DBS with the CL1H is probably not a fair comparison to make, and I have both because I use them for totally different situations.

But yea, the CL1H is a helluva light, and with the combination of 3SD module and 18650 battery, I'm finding that I am using it more often than I thought I would. Now that the colder weather is here, I find that I clip it to the inside of my jacket pocket when I go out at night where before, in warmer weather, I would typically stuff my L2D-CE/Q5 in my jeans pocket.
The CL1H turns out to be "almost" an EDC light in some situations, and I really like the low/medium/high setting choices of the 3SD that has a memory feature for turning back on at the setting you last used.