Dereelight DBS V3 - Cleaning AR coated lens


Newly Enlightened
Dec 25, 2008
What's recommended to use for cleaning the lens & reflector? Also, is there an easy way to get the o-ring back in place that sits between them?

Don't touch the reflector with anything. Even the softest cloths or brushes will scratch. I know, cause I've tried it.

For AR coats, an optical cleaning solution designed for coated optics should work fine. If you want to get a really good one, I recommend something like this. You can buy these at camera and telescope shops or online somewhere like amazon. I have used the optical cleaner, it is quite good. And the blower bulb that comes with it is good for cleaning the reflector. If you want a stronger puff, get one of the larger sized bulbs.
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What's recommended to use for cleaning the lens & reflector? Also, is there an easy way to get the o-ring back in place that sits between them?


Isopropyl Alcohol 70% solution on a polyester wipe or polyester/cotton blend cloth. Do not use paper based tissues or napkins. One pass with each piece or section of a wipe, don't just keep rubbing it around with the same section and smearing the contamination around. Don't worry about any small dust particles or filament fibers from the wipe. Oily films and fingerprints will do more to cut down the output that tiny little particles such as fibers from the cleaning cloths or wipes. So don't ruin the surface trying to get rid of the last piece of lint that will do nothing to cut down light output.

Don't know what to tell you about the O-Ring.
Great tips, If you're only trying to remove dust, you can use compressed air. However, make sure your air source is free of moisture and oil, or you may make it worse. I wouldn't attempt to physically clean the reflector unless you feel you really need to... 9 times out of 10 it'll end up worse.

Also, for dust, make sure your work environment is dust free. Again, it may end up worse. :)

Slightly stretch the o-ring before putting it back in... it'll settle into its groove much better.
Never, ever touch the reflector with anything at all. The reflective coating is VERY delicate and ANY contact will ruin it, you may not notice anything at first after wiping it, but when you turn the light on, you'll see a haze of tiny scratches on the reflector which cannot be fixed. A few specks of dust will not affect the reflector's performance at all, better to just leave it.
Also, whenever I disassemble my lights to change pills/reflectors, I first close all my windows and turn the fan off so the air is still. This will greatly minimise the number of dust partcles flying around and getting on the reflector, (to as few as just 1 or two specks, sometimes none at all :thumbsup:).
As for the o-ring, here's how:
1. Lay the o-ring on the groove in the head as best as you can (no need to get it all the way in as it won't).
2. Place the lens on top and screw the reflector on until it exerts slight pressure on the lens (and o-ring).
3. Run a fingernail around the gap between the lens and head to push the o-ring into the groove. As it goes in, screw the reflector further down to hold it in place, then tighten the reflector all the way down.
HERE's a good read and it just might benefit others searching (hopefully!) for answers.

I went through something similar the very first day I got my DBS. :D
I had alot of dust and what looked like a fingerprint in my smooth DBS reflector when I received and and did notice a dark spot when shinning it up against a white wall. It bothered me but I knew not to touch it because I would ruin it. A few months later, I searched here on the fourms about cleaning reflectors. I have a few spare mag reflectors so I started to experiment with them. I put some heavy finger prints in one of them and then following the instructions from a thread here, I was able to clean the reflector to where it looked brand new. I then got up enough nerves to attempt it on the DBS reflector and what do you know, it removed the "fingerprint" and all the dust I had in it and it has not affected the throw what so ever. The reflector looks brand new. I will try to find the link and post it here but what I did was to turn the water faucet on HOT to a slow steady stream and run the reflector under it. Then I poured ample amounts of liquid dish soap into the reflector and used my finger and rubbed the surface until I think I covered it all. Then I rinsed the reflector under the Hot water and then used some compressed air to get all the water out. The reflector looks brand new now.

EDIT: Found the link.
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I just bought a LensPen ( from a local store and it does an amazing job. Now my DBS and CL1H AR lenses are spotless on both sides :twothumbs. I highly recommend it :thumbsup: