Diamond Vision H1 and H7 - Counterfit check ?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 25, 2020
What is the best way to check Diamond vision bulbs H7 and H1 if I have counterfit or not ? Are there some noticable differences ? I will posts pics tomorrow.
Welcome to the board. Sometimes the answer you need is not necessarily the answer you want, and this is one of those times: return the silly-fashion-gimmick Philips Diamond Vision bulbs and get Philips Xtreme Vision bulbs instead. That way you give yourself better instead of worse odds of seeing the pedestrian before you hit them.

Beyond that, Philips's authenticity checker is here.
What is the best way to check Diamond vision bulbs H7 and H1 if I have counterfit or not ? Are there some noticable differences ? I will posts pics tomorrow.


Hi, years ago before I had any idea of what these bulbs, and their ilk, were about, I read the label on the flashy clear plastic container, and thought ' these are for me '.
I ignored the ' may be illegal for road use ' warning, believing the ' extreme white light ' would overcome all obstacles. I very quickly found that, the warnings are there
for a reason. Straight out of the box, the noticeably lesser output became immediately apparent, as did the eye strain trying to peer down the road. In Aus also ( and i'm
certain other countries are the same ), its illegal for vehicles ( other than emergency service vehicles ) to emit anything other than white light ( with a few exceptions ) forward
of the vehicle. The horrible blue tinge that Diamond Vision would emit, was reason for more than a few vehicles being stopped and read the riot act by law enforcement.
I saw the light ( sorry ) and employed ExtremeVision 100's and 130's at varying times. Far better for seeing, and not illegal here. If you are a Philips tragic, IMVHO, you will
have to go a long way to find better bulbs than the ExtremeVisions, but other major brands have equivalent output bulbs also.

Like this, although I don't endorse the site, its just the first pic I came across, and I think only the +130% might be current these days.
X2 on the 65w H7 bulb recommendation, I should have mentioned that earlier.

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