Did I purchase a ticking time bomb?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 16, 2008
St. Annes, England
Sorry to introduce myself with a question, but some of the threads have got me a little worried.

I recently treated myself to a Fenix P3D-Q5 and think it's a fantastic little light. However threads on here indicate that Lithium CR123A batteries have a habit of exploding. Also that the P3D might not have the best design from a safety point of view (lack of vent).

It came with 2 3V Golston batteries (which isn't a name I'd heard of). I was planning to get some Panasonic ones from 7dayshop: who I hope is reputable enough to send genuine batteries.

I'm starting to think that perhaps I would be better to get an L2D-Q5 instead, on the basis that NiMH batteries are safer.

I'm aware that I have only enough knowledge in this area to be dangerous. I'd very grateful if someone who actually understands the situation would provide some simple advice.
Nope. you didn't. Popping lithiums are, despite appearances here, a very rare occurrence. What I suggest you do is this; dump the cheapo cells that came with the light. Go to Battery Junction or one of the other online retailers and get Surefire, Streamlight or Panasonic cells.

You are unlikely to have a problem even with the cheap cells. But I have yet to read about a failure of the brands I named.
Hello Tintax,

Welcom to CPF.

I believe MikeLip hit the nail on the head.

I would save your Golston cells for single cell use only. They are not consistent from cell to cell, and could lead to problems.

However, all is not lost... You could come up with a loaded volt tester (similar in concept to the ZTS tester) and match your cells on your loaded voltage readings. In order to get a handle on how well the Golston cells are doing, you could check them again partway through their life. If they are staying close to the same value, you should not have any problems.

Of course, greater peace of mind would come from using better quality cells...
