Different HAIII finishes on Inova X1s?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 6, 2003
Central IN
I've owned probably 15 various X1s, many of them are the titanium finish. I picked up two of the 2xAAA and one of the 2xAA Bolt lights from Frys and when looking through the X1s to see if any of the newest version were in stock yet, I noticed one titanium X1 that had a decidedly darker finish so I bought it.

I don't know if it's just considerably thicker or if one batch of the coating was slightly different from the others, but I have 4 different titanium X1s, plus the three Bolt lights which have zero variance in the finish other than this one which is certainly darker in color and the finish isn't as smooth. The standard lighter colored X1s are pretty smooth, this one feels like 600 grit sandpaper.

This pic doesn't really show the full difference, but it is noticable.

I bought 2 black, reflector version X1s at different times from Target. One of them has a shiny finish and the other has a duller, matte finish. Niether feels rough.
adnj said:
I don't think that the X1 has an HAIII finish.

Maybe not, but it's more durable than the finish on the early Fenix lights... circa the L1P v2.5. I sold the first X1 I ever bought after I had modded it with a red THC3 LED and I had carried it for the better part of a year and the finish was basically as good as new with no noticable marks. A Fenix L1P I carried for a couple months showed two obvious marks and a few other minor marks.

I think the X1 is HAIII, but just not quite as good an HAIII as ARC or HDS.
I mispoke in my earlier post. The X1 is type III finish and pretty good at that. My reflector X1 is darker than then lense X1 that I gave away.