

Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
I could be on my own here and maybe i am:eek: But with flashlights and how expensive they are(maybe not to the rich among us:p) But nice shiny expensive lights with expensive drop ins, to get real value use they need to get used a lot.

I know part of it is collections, maybe shelf queens of which i dont actually have as all do get use, from little to daily hard use.

Now will just pluck one example out to keep it simple, my surefire C2 off Barry which i love, drop in wise will either be a p60vn quad with xp-l HI 5000k and drivervnx2 for flexibility or a VOB xhp70 p60 with 2x 18350 food. I need to use and enjoy, but dont want it beat up as then my slight OCD kicks in and gets me all:crazy:. But its too nice to not use, the drop ins are fine as protected so those are of no concern.

The m2 is mint as new, again drop in similar to the mentioned but with 2x16340 or 16650 food.............Kind of dont want to just have them sat on the side or in a box. I always say life is too short and just enjoy, its a flashlight after all, but with $350+ invested into a tube and bulb, its not something you want in your hand climbing under a car, scraping it(or i dont anyway :laughing: ).

Now i admit i have slight OCD, I get a scratch on the car it drives me potty(pun intended). I am a little fastidious in the work i do...........or dont do it at all! , again imo and the way i am.

So you guys with all things custom, hanko,gizmo,tain,mac TNC, i have seen many up for sale that are not carried or minor wear(EDC with EXTRA care) kind of thing.

So do you guys just get on with the more expensive lights and use it, abuse it........dont care its just a light, or do you baby it, cautious on specific uses(fine for out having a meal with your hi cri EDC but not resting it on stone whilst trimming a hedge!).

I have specific beater lights all things from fenix to solarforce, i even replaced my key chain lights to stainless steel to keep new-ish.

Maybe its like wearing a rolex doing an oil change...........just not the thing to do(hanko etc type comparisons), you would be wearing a g-force maybe(the fenix pd35 comparison).

Beater lights i still look after as with all my tools, look after your tools and your tools will............ok still give you spanner rash ! :laughing:

So am i alone on being a little too cautious on the expensive end of using lights(maybe $300+ end) Is it because my spare flashlight fund is frugal and that is why i am cautious, or is it just OCD and get over being a wuss and enjoy them. If it dings and marks,scuffs so what, its a *beeping* flashlight
"for gods sake.............its a bl00dy tool man, get a grip will ya!" " loose it get another!! " Why buy it if you aint gonna enjoy it!"

Springs to mind :laughing: Just to add i do use my lights and do enjoy them, just maybe too cautious with more expensive end lights on damaging them.........

I kind of have it covered with many users, Fenix, s2+ triples, eagtacs ...........most brands . Not like i would be without, i could loose 30 and be good to go for a while.

Whats caused this is the new Surefire acquisitions, kind of too nice to get beat up, but i dont plan on shelving and not using as i buy to use............just in less risky environments if makes sense.

Wont waffle on much more, just thoughts, any lights you kind of hold back a bit as rare, too nice or simply for collection and/or investment longer term.

Twisted tridents are astonishing, but too expensive for a shelf queen, too nice for climbing under machinery getting dinged( imagine that:faint:)

Seans gizmo will be a user edc on rotation, again still babied though............trouble is there will always be more i would like to add and no doubt cautious with their uses. Maybe the simple(but expensive) answer is to buy two of everything, keep safe and a user!

Thanks for getting so far, comments welcome, i have protection :tinfoil:eek:n for any :poke: on:p

Regards ven..............

Chicken Drumstick

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2011
I try to use all of my lights, none of them are shelf Queens. Although I will be honest and say I've maybe not bought ultra expensive ones.

Don't get me wrong, I have some premium lights from FourSevens, EagleTac, SWM, Olight and others. And I don't mind spending on something if I feel it's worth it.

But some of the expensive lights I really just don't get.

And maybe I'm on my own here with this one... but I really don't get or understand the appeal of the Surefire range.

Most of the lights are ugly, look unergonomic and generally flawed in design.

Maybe back when the only alternative was a Maglite, then I can see the appeal of a more compact 2xCR123a offering with output to match a 4D. But today?? Why?

On the flip side, I like my Solarforce L2M. And I don't mind the p60 format, although it does seem somewhat out dated and clunky when you look at more modern offerings.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I remember a thread where the op was all shook up because his G2x had gotten a ding.

Of course the chorus was "scars are cool" by the crowd. To the crowd it's just any old light. But to the op it was as cool as having the very first Hanko ever made.

To me, it all comes down to it being purchased for daily use or for occasionally using on special occasions, or even being stashed in a safe.

My brother in law and I both received a special rifle that only 100 were produced as an inheritence.
The following Saturday he had his at the range blasting away. I stashed mine in a safe.
He thought I was nuts for not enjoying such a nice rifle. I thought he was nuts for beating the crap out of #24 of 100.

Neither of us is wrong.

Yet not far from mine (#22 of 100) sits a Malkoff MD2 hi/lo. The other MD2 hi/lo lives in an absolutely must work when shtf kit.

I have some lights that were purchased for the purpose of passing down to my sons in never used condition. Lights they'll use someday. No jewelry type. Others are bought for occasional use on special occasions and still others for the daily grind.

To be honest, if you collect things for the collection then some will end up being stashed. Others put on display. Still others used often.
Some of the 'users' were bought in duplicate to ensure one remains mint. They were not expensive lights though.

But if the flashlight was purchased for use then like your favorite sports car being taken to the movies on Friday night, sooner or later damage is going to occur. It's a harsh reality one should realize going in.
The question is will the initial damage occur due to something stupid or will there be a cool story involved?

I did not want my first ding to my Alpha to be from a butter fingers episode over the driveway.
So I tossed it under hand knife throw style at a tree switch first until it turned on.
Well frankly the tree showed more wear than the light so a few more throws took place to turn it off.
Now if a butter fingers episode results in a ding on the bezel, no biggy, it'll blend in with the other blemishes.
I'm struggling with which PK will get the eventual blemish. I absolutely love that FL2 light. Being only 1000 were made I cannot bring myself to take it outdoors. Even though I have more than 1, the first to arrive is a shelf queen. Then again, so are a few nothing special MagLites.

In your case Ven if you don't want the light to ever be damaged you have 2 choices. Use it knowing that's not realistic. Or make it a favorite display light that gets used at times when only your best will do....
Well there's a 3rd option... Keep it incan. You'll never use it then. lol
Last edited:


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Hey there CD, thanks for reply/thoughts:)

Maybe we are both on our own :laughing:

Totally get the user bit, i am the same and dont do shelf queens, just kind of reluctant to use certain lights for certain applications(would you say use your ET under you american classic, oil/dirt etc and of course scuffs that cant be cleaned off as easy).

I kind of feel the same or did with SF , mainly due to the cells and as we know too well, here in the UK they dont come cheap! Rechargeable is the way forward and 16650 certainly help that bit. Because of the 16650 options(17650 too but find hard to get), it made me bite on the classic p6 at 1st. The L2T is kind of based body wise on the c2 of which i have always been a fan of. Do love the HAIII natural colour over black personally and mine is bored so have the 18350 x2 and 18650 part now covered for higher output drop ins.

I am not a fan of the solarfoce drop ins, real cheap quality but then they are cheap. The custom offerings by malkoff/vinh/VOB really make a difference for me in the p60's and not to forget i am a fan of the sportac range as well.

The SF's are surprisingly light, nice feel and good threads/ano and do have a feel of quality to them

Not cheap(other than the p6) but even down the line the prices should stay stable so kind of an investment i guess. I did want to see what the fuss is about and in the past i have felt underwhelmed by some............the SF's have not give me that feeling being honest(but personal preference/taste of course,all subjective).

Cant knock the solarforce hosts, decent value and the P1D is an excellent host with plenty of heft! That for now is my work beater light with a triple sportac inside(2 mode).



Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
In your case Ven if you don't want the light to ever be damaged you have 2 choices. Use it knowing that's not realistic. Or make it a favorite display light that gets used at times when only your best will do....
Well there's a 3rd option... Keep it incan. You'll never use it then. lol

Everything you type i can relate to 100%.............is that a good thing or a bad thing...........you crazy too i guess:p

:laughing:mad:incan.............but correct.

That maybe the problem, i buy sometimes(not as much as i used to mind) as i like the light or want it or justified as a work use light, then i get it and think " you know its too nice to use in work"..............thats happened a lot!

They will be used, will no doubt get dinged and maybe just need to enjoy them for what they are rather than damage. I dont mind the odd little mark/s,its the through to the metal gauges that make me:crazy: on expensive lights..................oh i am quite clumsy..............apparently!

Lets just say i dont sip a coffee over the keyboard type of guy! :laughing:

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
It's a shame when gear for one reason or another never really got used. At least for me anyways. I have a C2 and would hate to ding it up because they aren't making them anymore. Then again it's going to happen if the gear gets used. There is a flip side to beat up gear. Proven reliability. There is a satisfaction in that as well. Also have 2 6Ps. They don't make those anymore either but having two means if one gets beat on it's not so bad. Again speaking just for myself.

The same gear conundrum applies to custom knives. It's a one of a kind creation that begs to be used but not easily replaceable. Then there is the issue of having too much gear. Why take that really nice gear item out when you have a bunch of other options available? LOL! First world problems!

I believe that what really matters is the singular moment in time when a gear item is needed and does what it was created to do. All things change, even the sun isn't forever.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I buy Streamlights for users.

Every bit as reliable as those other brands but the light weight coating wears quickly. Except for my Stinger they all have glass, so scratches are few. Yet if they get ding'd it's no big deal.

Some fill my 'cop light' urge for what that's worth. They don't cost a lot if one gets lost, and because they are Streamlight nobody is likely to steal one.

My closest thing to jewelry is a pair of highly polished Energizer AA's.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 24, 2015
I hear and understand the collectors thing.

I myself like my flashlights to work and see no need for "shelf queens" but I do know there is a tool in every mans toolbox for certain jobs and other tools for the other jobs. That said I carry 3 EDC and have the rest at home, however they do get used from time to time at the house, some more than others. The closest thing I did was get all 3 Toolvn's to start a collection I admit the Ti sits on the shelf not because I want it to but because I prefer the other 2 clicky's to its user interface. I love the look and feel and power of the light however it just cant do what the others can (well it could I suppose its just a major MAJOR pain to do it) (I figured out I can take a tail off the copper or alu and program it however it wont function well that way )
Sorry Im rambling
anyway Ven to each their own
I recall when I dropped my first new bike.. I drove home and well being a younger man I cried looking at it.. In the end I dropped that bike 3 times ( 2 were junk on the road the other was the 1st time I was an idiot ) Its all in the eye of the owner.

Everyone who looks at some pristine car parked in a garage year round never moving thinks WOW THAT CAR LOOKS AMAZING.
The guy that takes it out and has fun with it thinks MAN THIS THING IS AMAZING.

Which person do you want to be the one that had fun or the one that years later has something that looks good but very few stories about it?

Its all up to you...


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
good points mr walker, i think multiples certainly take the pressure off..............i need another c2 :laughing:

Knives yes, i have a user bead blasted kershaw, maybe cheap as chips your side £50 ish here in the UK so like a $75 knife for general uses(probably 1/2 that your side). cant bring myself to get a CR for £300...............just cant, yet on a light it is not a problem to get my head around!


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I'm one of those people who has like 65 ratchets in a tool chest and added an additional 5 drawer box for all those screwdrivers, pliers, nut drivers and little stuff.

The lime green handled evolvs from Sears get used the most along with those black n yellow handled Stanley screwdrivers.

But recently I found a situation where a rarely used 84 tooth slim line ratchet fit the task. And when dealing with stuck brass phillips screws only the exact size tip will work.

A rarely used 3" wobble tip extension was perfect recently for one screw and a 6" wobble tip for the adjacent one using an off setting head ratchet.

I find many times my mind races for a particular flashlight at certain times as well. Maybe for the beam color, maybe for the size of the spot, or spill.

Glad you brought that up Archangel.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 15, 2012
Mesa, AZ
Woods Walker hit the nail on the head. I'm the same way with my knives unfortunately. I want to enjoy them and use them but have a hard time with it. Especially my SPL. But like he said above as long as it works when we need it. And then you won't be thinking of messing it up.
And hi from one bcusa member to another.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I could be on my own here and maybe i am:eek: But with flashlights and how expensive they are(maybe not to the rich among us:p) But nice shiny expensive lights with expensive drop ins, to get real value use they need to get used a lot.

So am i alone on being a little too cautious on the expensive end of using lights(maybe $300+ end) Is it because my spare flashlight fund is frugal and that is why i am cautious, or is it just OCD and get over being a wuss and enjoy them. <SNIP>

Regards ven..............
Personally I don't have any lights in the over $300 category, so I may not be qualified to respond. I'm gonna anyway :)

I think that it is respectable to be MORE cautious, with a more expensive light, (generally speaking).

Too cautious? That my friend is a judgement call.

I think that to a great extent... I'd have to consider, why was the light bought?

You see, I am not much of a jewelry person, but if I was, I'd have a Jeff Hanko light. For the most part, people don't know jack about lights, or even tints, but man... his stuff is PRETTY! Would I take it to work? Nope. Would I roll it under the car? Nope. Toss it to my brother? Nope. But if I was in the board room, I'd take it out of my pocket and place it in front of me next to my glass of water. That light would announce.... hey... Poppy has arrived! :)

For me, any $300 dollar light would probably be purchased for a particular reason. That light would be used when other less lights just wouldn't do the trick.

I don't understand people who buy sports cars, and garage them. I don't get it. My dad always said... if it isn't being used, it is being wasted. I have a friend with a two year old Mercedes still on his first oil change.

If a light is bought to be a collectible, its a collectible. Otherwise, lights will decrease in value. Every few years, lights become obsolete, unless they get an LED upgrade.

Trits have what a ten year life span? So even those beautiful Jeff Hanko lights will need replacement parts. I'd say... use that baby while it still looks great! :)

As a side note: the light I use most on my car is a 2D cell, plastic brinkman that is held together with packing tape.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2013
On The Black Pearl
Interesting thread for though for sure.
I will throw a slightly different rambling twist. We don't intentionally make many of them shelf queens. I think some members just have so many lights, if they were to carry a different one every day, chances are very few would get used more than once a year! lol :thinking:

Me personally, there are a few that have been relegated to shelf duties. Those that have are mostly: uber/slightly/sorta rare, past the $1K mark get parked or sentimental. However that is more of a general practice, not a rule. I guess most of my parked lights are Tains. The reason?? Trits can be a pain to source & replace.

More I think, I have some cheap stuff parked, because they suck and I have been to busy to mod them or round up and sell.

Ven, you kinda mentioned, value is all relative. Some folks value a $30 light as much as others may value a $4K light.

I think this puts our light collections into perspective. Some collections get out of hand.

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
A while back, I bought a Malkoff Hound Dog. After I'd had it a week I dropped it and dented the bezel ring - I was mortified. I ordered another ring from Malkoff and it's still sitting in a drawer. I'm very happy using the dented one, but it's nice to know I have the ring. It's the same with my MD2s, I have a few which don't get out much, but my favourite one is the one that lives in my overalls. It is covered with scratches and dents, but it's Ok because I know I have some clean ones.
The only expensive light I have is an Oveready Mini turbohead, with a skinny OR 6P body. It makes a lovey light, but I can't bear to use it as it was so expensive. So the silly thing sits in a drawer unused. Might have to sell it as it pointless having it, but it does make me smile when I switch it on.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
I hear and understand the collectors thing.

I myself like my flashlights to work and see no need for "shelf queens" but I do know there is a tool in every mans toolbox for certain jobs and other tools for the other jobs. That said I carry 3 EDC and have the rest at home, however they do get used from time to time at the house, some more than others. The closest thing I did was get all 3 Toolvn's to start a collection I admit the Ti sits on the shelf not because I want it to but because I prefer the other 2 clicky's to its user interface. I love the look and feel and power of the light however it just cant do what the others can (well it could I suppose its just a major MAJOR pain to do it) (I figured out I can take a tail off the copper or alu and program it however it wont function well that way )
Sorry Im rambling
anyway Ven to each their own
I recall when I dropped my first new bike.. I drove home and well being a younger man I cried looking at it.. In the end I dropped that bike 3 times ( 2 were junk on the road the other was the 1st time I was an idiot ) Its all in the eye of the owner.

Everyone who looks at some pristine car parked in a garage year round never moving thinks WOW THAT CAR LOOKS AMAZING.
The guy that takes it out and has fun with it thinks MAN THIS THING IS AMAZING.

Which person do you want to be the one that had fun or the one that years later has something that looks good but very few stories about it?

Its all up to you...

Ramble away:D its all i do :laughing: besides its always an enjoyable read;)

Defo the one who uses it, after all it will end up sold and someone else will be the one enjoying it!

Thats why i never spend much on a motor these days, $5k tops and just use it! A new car would drive me mad, parking a million miles away from those super market *beeps* who open their door full pelt into yours............I never forget one time someone did it when i was in the shogun, rock sliders etc and opened their door full whack. The noise and their expression(as i looked down on them literally) was priceless :D

Sliders under the sills=great door stops!


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Personally I don't have any lights in the over $300 category, so I may not be qualified to respond. I'm gonna anyway :)

I think that it is respectable to be MORE cautious, with a more expensive light, (generally speaking).

Too cautious? That my friend is a judgement call.

I think that to a great extent... I'd have to consider, why was the light bought?

You see, I am not much of a jewelry person, but if I was, I'd have a Jeff Hanko light. For the most part, people don't know jack about lights, or even tints, but man... his stuff is PRETTY! Would I take it to work? Nope. Would I roll it under the car? Nope. Toss it to my brother? Nope. But if I was in the board room, I'd take it out of my pocket and place it in front of me next to my glass of water. That light would announce.... hey... Poppy has arrived! :)

For me, any $300 dollar light would probably be purchased for a particular reason. That light would be used when other less lights just wouldn't do the trick.

I don't understand people who buy sports cars, and garage them. I don't get it. My dad always said... if it isn't being used, it is being wasted. I have a friend with a two year old Mercedes still on his first oil change.

If a light is bought to be a collectible, its a collectible. Otherwise, lights will decrease in value. Every few years, lights become obsolete, unless they get an LED upgrade.

Trits have what a ten year life span? So even those beautiful Jeff Hanko lights will need replacement parts. I'd say... use that baby while it still looks great! :)

As a side note: the light I use most on my car is a 2D cell, plastic brinkman that is held together with packing tape.

Thanks for post and interesting, like different perspectives..........more so from our well experienced users, be it in tools as well as life!!

$300+ was an expensive example plucked,tbh $100 is expensive on a light(depending on its actual size/material etc) so i am cautious with pretty much all my lights to an extent. Maybe its the way i am, tools(flashlight i include under this ) i take care of, clean up after use then organised back into their allocated rack/draw.



Dec 23, 2008
Penn's Woods
My two most beat up lights are at opposite ends of the spectrum. An E01, and a McGizmo Haiku. The Haiku was daily carry at work for a few years, got used and abused. I figured if I was going to own one, I was going to use it. BUT- I have a Crosshairs C2 that lives on a shelf in my kitchen, P90 with 2xIMR 16340's in it. Once in a while I use it for dog walking. There are a regular crew of EDC lights I rotate through, the rest get occasional use like the C2. A dog walk. Out at night with my Wife. Packed for a trip. Maybe I just try to justify owning them... :)


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Interesting thread for though for sure.
I will throw a slightly different rambling twist. We don't intentionally make many of them shelf queens. I think some members just have so many lights, if they were to carry a different one every day, chances are very few would get used more than once a year! lol :thinking:

Me personally, there are a few that have been relegated to shelf duties. Those that have are mostly: uber/slightly/sorta rare, past the $1K mark get parked or sentimental. However that is more of a general practice, not a rule. I guess most of my parked lights are Tains. The reason?? Trits can be a pain to source & replace.

More I think, I have some cheap stuff parked, because they suck and I have been to busy to mod them or round up and sell.

Ven, you kinda mentioned, value is all relative. Some folks value a $30 light as much as others may value a $4K light.

I think this puts our light collections into perspective. Some collections get out of hand.

That is awesome:cool: wow and better still, i maybe normal(ish) after all :laughing:

It certainly does put things in perspective!!! Hobby's of any nature(of course within reason) are healthy on the brain, gives an interest and keeps the old brain cells researching and looking for.......... Be it cars, lights, watches.........and so on..............just some cheaper than others!!!

True value is relative and $30 gets a good light, if i lost a $30 light i would be annoyed just the same as i would loosing $30! I lost £10 and a £20 a couple of times in the last year, really annoying!!!

Although i can understand why someone would want a special $4k light, maybe on display..........if i had that amount for disposable flashlight funds i would be tempted myself. Of course most of our collections come to much more from many sub $100 lights! Just hard to get head around it still with that much into the one light for me.

Like to have that dilemma though:D

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