direct drive P7


Sep 7, 2006
Wigan, UK
hi if i direct drive a ssc p7 led (DSVNI) at 4.2v what current will it be at and will i ruin it?
You need to measure the current going through it.

Are you using a single 18650? I've done one of those (Tiablo A9), and it is still going after well over a year of daily use. It's a work light.

One thing about these emitters is that they really need to be fastened well to the heatsink. A member recommended this a while back, and I found he was right when the P7 in my DD Mag came loose. I only had it glued to the heatsink with Arctic Alumina. The reflector in that light is a FiveMega LOP that I drilled out so I could focus the thing. The hole is bigger than the LED, and it cannot not apply any downward pressure to the LED. After enough drops onto the floor the glue let go and the P7 lost contact with the heatsink, causing it to overheat and turn angry blue after a few seconds.

I figured it out and reglued it, but one die suffered some damage, it doesn't put out the light the others do. This was a really sweet SVO tint P7 too. :mecry:

On another P7 Mag, I'm using the DX reflector. I have that reflector screwed all the way down to the top of the emitter so it is held mechenically as well as with AA glue. It's a safer setup.
well its actually a future light i intend to make

3 x P7 attached to cpu heatsink

12.6v (loaded 12v 12a lead acid battery)

4.2v per led

im toying around with loads of ideas - mce bridgelux, phlatlight etc

just dont know which road to go down yet

If you run the LED 3 P7s in series with that voltage and current supply, they will burn up. It will work for a while but the color will be a little bluish. You might want to consider a regulated power supply or circuit.
Seoul LEDs are very robust.

I am direct driving SSC p4 bunch of 64 LEDs on Automotive 12v (more like 13v) for Head beams.

They are in a matrix of 4X series a set.
each LED gets about 3.1~3.2 Volts and runs 430mA.

You may have some luck with P7 too!
with 18650 at 4.2v current draw direct drive its 3.5-4.65 amp depending of vf led and electric contacts
bhvm, pics and beamshots of your homemade "off-road driving lamps"? Did you use any optics? I've been thinking 'bout LED fogs, but haven't found cheap optics yet.
bhvm, pics and beamshots of your homemade "off-road driving lamps"? Did you use any optics? I've been thinking 'bout LED fogs, but haven't found cheap optics yet.

I'll be doing an instructable for it, just needa wrap up these exams.

I am also planning to upgrade to higher bin Emitters for a better punch.
The optics are a bunch of 6 deg, 15 deg, 25 deg, and a few 38 deg for instant illumination.

Even half of the LEDs completely destroy your headbeams.
Optics means almost none light is wasted!
i'll keep you posted.