Direct drive


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 1, 2019
Mardi Gras City
Can someone explain direct drive to me?

I know some of my modules will run direct drive under a certain voltage

Or you can buy certain head that run direct drive

Just curious to what this is or what it means

Thanks in advance


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Basically, the light will start at the brightest it can and then slowly dim until the voltage is to low at that point it will shut off.

Sent from my LM-V350 using Tapatalk
MALKOFF ESHT is a direct drive head.

Sent from my LM-V350 using Tapatalk
When my M61WL first dropped out of regulation and started running direct drive, I didn't miss the bright regulated light for long and began to appreciate the simple beauty and utility of a lower lumen, low K light source. Looking forward to the LLLL module!
^^ this

I have some direct drive lights for the increased runtime. Instead of sudden darkness with little to no warning, they dim over time. For short time shadow busting they put out plenty long after a regulated light would quit. Great for vampiring batteries too.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention this was with primary 123s and my initial reaction was to replace the cells but like I said I found the dimmer light to be very useful..
This brings me to a question - with this setup how low would the voltage on the cells drop until the light shuts off completely? Is it safe to vampire a 2 cell setup? I've read there is a danger of reverse charging if one cell in the sequence is depleted before the other one.. alternatively using rechargeable liions would seem to defeat the usefulness in that the direct drive run would be short lived with the protection circuit auto cuts off at 3.2volts?
I only vampire one cell at a time. Alkalines or lithiums. I had a pair of alkalines poof on me one day. Grab two leftovers from a drawer, stick them in a light and all is great at first. 30 minutes later the light got really hot and popped open. No hand grenade but enough poof to never do that again.

And yes the circuit protection does kick in at some point in direct drive lights.
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