Hi, I made a P7 UW light and tested it. I'd like to show it.
It consits of SSC P7 LED regulated by AMC7135x8 and powerd by 18650x2 in pallarel...it's a standard light. Although all the UW lights are cooled by water, I made a light part effectively cooled by water with attention.
All the components, light, switch, regulater and battery are independently waterproofed. This may decrease the damage by wataer invasion and make it easy to improve and maintain the light.
The lightning part
Allt the components are waterproofed.
Union the components
to be cont.
It consits of SSC P7 LED regulated by AMC7135x8 and powerd by 18650x2 in pallarel...it's a standard light. Although all the UW lights are cooled by water, I made a light part effectively cooled by water with attention.
All the components, light, switch, regulater and battery are independently waterproofed. This may decrease the damage by wataer invasion and make it easy to improve and maintain the light.
The lightning part

Allt the components are waterproofed.

Union the components

to be cont.