Do I have this Right?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 16, 2006
Southern California
Hello all
just wanted to confirm if this is right. :)
Brightest To

Seoul P4
Luxeon 5
Luxeon 3
Luxeon 1


EDIT Driven at 500ma
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I think the XR-E and SSC P4 are about the same level of performance.

Also it depends on what drive currents ur running the Luxeons at, the Lux 1 is more efficient at lower currents as i read somewhere before. Just from memory, could be wrong tho :p
SSC P4 U-bin currently outclasses Cree XR-E P4 bin... it is more on the level of a XR-E Q3 bin.

As to whether the K2 outdoes the LuxV at 500 ma, I think probably not....
Seoul is suppose to be brighter than a Cree, but they are close and the Cree has a wider spot beam. In other words personal preference wide or narrow spot.
I believe with dedicatedly designed reflectors, both can throw equally well... with current reflectors meant more for the Luxeon, the Seoul P4 should get a better hotspot while the XR-E's narrower beam dispersion lends more of its light to the spill and less to the hotspot.
skalomax said:

Thanks GUYS!
So the XR-E Will Throw Farther than the P4?

Hmmm... I thought it was the other way around. Mostly because the XR-E puts so much of its light into the flood and the P4's beam can be generated so that most of the light is in the actual spot. Yes/no?
you forgot the 5mm at the last ;)

I agree with LEDcandle, brightness can be altered through the use of optics or specifically designed reflectors....I dont know about the crees but the luxeons arent really set in stone...unless your talking about stand alone emitters of course.
Depending on binning the LuxIII and LuxI might be the same brightness. Also depending on binning the LuxI, LuxIII and LuxV might be brighter than the K2.
Will Fenix/Jetbeam/Anyone be making lights with the Seoul ??

Why have they jumped on board with the Cree's so much ??
Illum_the_nation said:
you forgot the 5mm at the last ;)

Yes... At 500 mA, it will definitely be at the bottom of any list. :laughing:
I believe the Crees came out before the Seouls and they probably decided on Cree during the P2, P3 stage... and now they are using the P4s, and soon, probably the Q2, Q3s... the Seoul came in later, I'm assuming??

kaidomain is "seoul-ing" up some of their chinese lights... but I don't know of any higher end lights with Seouls yet....