Do I want a P60 head???


Newly Enlightened
Aug 1, 2006
Northern Californiga
I was looking at the Dereelight Javelin with a P60 head. I get that it is a standardized head (based on Surefire) permitting drop ins but don't understand the implications.

Is this an advantage for future, inexpensive upgrades as leds evolve?

Are there other advantages?

Any disadvantages?
It's a big advantage to me.
Incan, UV, IR, neutral, cool, smooth reflector, OP, optic(Malkoff)! XR-E, XP-E, XP-G, SST-50, Seoul, Rebel, K2 TFFC! Single mode, dual mode, triple mode, heck I've seen 5 mode drop-ins and there might be more out there. I have a small arsenal of drop-ins to fit my runtime and output needs. I switch out the module and go, very easy stuff.

When a new bin or LED comes out I just buy a new drop-in instead of a whole new light. Saves money!

Disadvantage? I guess it's not optimal heatsinking wise but that's about all I can think of. It's not bad at heatsinking but isn't perfect.
The only real downside is it's a little addicting buying drop-ins!
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The only real downside is it's a little addicting buying drop-ins!
Yep. That's exactly why I've resisted buying a P60 host like a 3AA body from FiveMega or Dereelight. It's also why, when I turned to digital photography, I stayed away from a dslr body: There's always be one more lens to try.
The P60 standard offers you excellent versatility. And it's a great (and usually somewhat inexpensive) means to try out new emitters, battery configurations, etc., which I have found to be indispensable in terms of teaching me about this great hobby of ours. :thumbsup: