Do you like UV?



The photos doesn't show the writing all that well, but I assure you that it is plenty clear to read.


I just found a place here in Tokyo which sells UV ink pens - they have them in green, blue, and red. I tried the blue and green, and they work very well. Totally invisible to the naked eye, but show up really well with a UV Arc AAA...
A bit expensive though - 500yen each (about A$7 or so I guess)

I'm going back to get a red one to see what its like..

Do they have different colours there?

Have to admit, these are pretty cool. (never played with "invisible ink" stuff before..)

I'm probably going to use them to mark some of my more expensive toys in case of theft..

Well, you should know that anything that's slightly cool/updated/interesting/hi-tech won't be available in Australia..

Took me ages to find a shop that had this pen, just this one color.

Beware, writing everywhere with these can be addictive..


The invisible ink marker has been offered here as a theft prevention system a couple of years ago. The markers are pretty easy obtainable in book- and office supplies stores. I haven't looked at prices, but I think they would be in the 3-6 euro range.