When I became interested in flashlights, some 5 years ago, the Tec 40 was one of my first quality lights. After reading multiple threads about the light, I upgraded it with the KPR103 and NiMh's (and the sheet of aluminium foil in the tube). It was very impressive. And very water tight.
But now I hardly ever use it. And so do many of you, seeing that a search yields mostly archived threads.
Is there anyone who still uses it?
If so, did you mod it with another bulb or a LED? If yes, which PR based LED fits it best (brightness and beam pattern)? Maybe I will fit it with a LED myself. It will make it a pretty indestructible combo.
But now I hardly ever use it. And so do many of you, seeing that a search yields mostly archived threads.
Is there anyone who still uses it?
If so, did you mod it with another bulb or a LED? If yes, which PR based LED fits it best (brightness and beam pattern)? Maybe I will fit it with a LED myself. It will make it a pretty indestructible combo.