Does anyone use their Tec 40 any more?


Apr 21, 2005
one foot below sea level
When I became interested in flashlights, some 5 years ago, the Tec 40 was one of my first quality lights. After reading multiple threads about the light, I upgraded it with the KPR103 and NiMh's (and the sheet of aluminium foil in the tube). It was very impressive. And very water tight.

But now I hardly ever use it. And so do many of you, seeing that a search yields mostly archived threads.

Is there anyone who still uses it?

If so, did you mod it with another bulb or a LED? If yes, which PR based LED fits it best (brightness and beam pattern)? Maybe I will fit it with a LED myself. It will make it a pretty indestructible combo.

My PT40 died a few years ago and while I've thought about picking another one up I haven't ever done it. Was my "EDC" back in the mid '90s. The conductive pad at the bottom fell out and I have since lost or used the remaining parts.
I've got a couple of them sitting on a shelf, waiting for an emergency situation which will probably never come. It would be nice if there were a place to donate waterproof lights like these to areas likely to encounter floods.
Hello Kees,

I also started out with an upgrade to the Tec 40 from my 2 AA Mini Mag. I have one that I use the heck out of. It lives in my truck. It has had batteries leak in it and I have gone through a few lamps, but it still works great. I freely hand it out to others when needed. I also have a couple of backups for it. One is new in the package, the other is for use around the house.

I have one for give-out use and general use when I need a decent amount of light for a long time. The light is excellent for working on the car since it has a clean body that can be scrubbed clean of dirt and grease easily. No small grooves or cracks to trap the stuff.

I also have one in my disaster kit with 2 spare reflectors, a dozen or so bulbs and batteries. Spare parts are so cheap and available for this light.
The PT20 is still available under another model name (I keep forgetting it, maybe PT Flare) that comes with a pop-on diffuser that looks like a small traffic cone.
The PT20 is still available under another model name (I keep forgetting it, maybe PT Flare) that comes with a pop-on diffuser that looks like a small traffic cone.

I think it's the princeton tec sport flare but the bulb is about half the power of the original for better runtime as a marker/lantern. link

i actually just bought one the other day and am waiting for it to get here. i got it for 9 bucks or something when i got some other stuff. i am still not sure why i got it other than it will make a great do anything small light. i would also like to know the best drop-in for it so i can bring it back up to date a little.
Thanks for all your reactions!

It seems I can only find references to 2-cell SMJLED's.

Does anybody know of such LED's for 4 cells (4.8-6 V)?

And if so, where to buy?

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I usually bring mine camping and it ends up being a spares carrier for when the batteries in my L2D die.
I am overdriving a 3-cell Mag Xenon in mine with decent results.Actually I was going to pick up a few more but INOVA came out with "warm" LEDs in thier T-series and I lost interest in the TEC-40.
I have tried the Terra-LUX led replacement but was not very impressed with the results.The Terra-LUX didn't make good contact and when I got the light working it wasn't very bright.
The TEC-40 has some great features but unless I find a better LED replacement or need a small incandescent for a specific purpose mine will probably not see much service.

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