Don't drop your RCR123s


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 18, 2008
Had my first scary Lithium Ion experience.

Accidentally dropped an unprotected Ultrafire RCR123 onto the concrete floor of my shop today. Didn't think anything of it, picked it up and looked for any signs of damage. I didn't see any. As I was looking at it, it made a popping sound "POP" and I felt the vibration through my fingers.

I promptly flung open the garage door and threw it into a large patch of gravel, just in case.

It hasn't burst into flames or anything, but it was a little scary anyway.
Could be a few things. The cell could have internally shorted and vented, but not a sustained reaction.
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If possible do not drop any battery. It is not good for the internals. Good your heard a pop, and set it aside though tossing it could have made thing worse. If no pop next drop, check the cell closely, and use it carefully, checking voltage after charging to see if it is holding a charge, if not toss it (safely). Do not to use it in series until you can trust it in single cell usage. Don't come to conclusion that it popped just because it is an unprotected cell. If you feel unsafe using unprotected cells then don't use them. People will decry unprotected Li Ions, but they can be used safely if you pay a lot of attention to them, something that some people using protected cells never do. Keep an open mind, and do not get excitable or let people get you excitable. We have some members here who will make this a 200 post thread.
