Looking for suggestions on how people would power 4x Cree XR-E LEDs from a 7.4V LiIon pack. If the number of LEDs and Vbatt are not changable, what are my options?
This option appeals to me, however I didn't think AMC7135 based boards could do over 5V. Using the 7135 chips appeals to me as they are an extremely cheap, extremely efficient way to achieve a good selection of currents.Other option is an AMC7135 driver on one string of 2 LEDs. There is a thread on hear somewhere doing it like this.
I have been planning such a build myself
Have you read member Download's "Poormans multi-lux setup" ?
Use 7135 based boards with TWO 18650 cells .... apparently it does work
You can find the thread here
Alternatively DX sell a 5 mode board that will drive 5 x Cree at 800 mA
SKU 26106. Maybe that will work with 4 x R2s ?
I cant decide which method to use for my own build :thinking:
EDIT If you decide to use the 7135 method, DX/KD do sell 8 x 7135 boards
or you could build your own (with multi modes ). Have at StefanFS's "how to"