Dropped laser


Newly Enlightened
Sep 25, 2007
Hello guys, i got my first real laser (50mW) today and iv dropped it already :thumbsdow the dot is still there but there is loads of fuzz/blur around it. Any help on fixing this? im not sure how i can get in it but i was planning on the pot mod anyway :p.

Any help is greatly appreciated CPF members!!

Thanks for all your help,

Check and see if you got some dust or a hair or something on the lense. Just blow it out good.

Does the beam seem like it expands more then normal or it it just blurry?
its like the diode is loose now, i can see that it is not focusing correctly on the front lense. id describe it as scattered not blury now :)
what model laser is it? It's possible you just knocked part of it loose or made one of the internal lenses move.


They will all be similar to this,
it's probably either that front brass tube jumped a thread or two, or in the solid brass thing ( colliminating optics ) there's 2 lenses that can shift/chip and that might do it, but that's unlikely. You also might have dislodged the photodiode or beamsplitter type ( not shown here it'd be a black or white cap like thing a little window ) of IR filter depending on the type of pointer you have.