I made a trip to Death Valley last week with my dad and my uncle. Before we left I bought an Inova X1MT-UVT for scorpion hunting. One night, after a few drinks at the campground I took my X1MT for a walk. It worked like a charm. I had been walking with the UV light off and my 6P on, figuring that I would see movement and then turn on the UV. I wasn't finding anything, so I shut off the 6P and turned on the UV and immediately found two scorpions within a couple of feet of me. It's amazing the way they just pop out when the UV is on them. The X1 found two more the next night, including one that was partially hidden underneath a bush. Just a couple of visibly glowing legs gave him away.
I'm very happy with the light. Great size (same as my normal X1) and pretty good throw. I got it from Amazon for around $28. Here are some pics.

I'm very happy with the light. Great size (same as my normal X1) and pretty good throw. I got it from Amazon for around $28. Here are some pics.