Drunken Scorpion Hunting with my Inova X1MT-UVT


Jan 9, 2007
I made a trip to Death Valley last week with my dad and my uncle. Before we left I bought an Inova X1MT-UVT for scorpion hunting. One night, after a few drinks at the campground I took my X1MT for a walk. It worked like a charm. I had been walking with the UV light off and my 6P on, figuring that I would see movement and then turn on the UV. I wasn't finding anything, so I shut off the 6P and turned on the UV and immediately found two scorpions within a couple of feet of me. It's amazing the way they just pop out when the UV is on them. The X1 found two more the next night, including one that was partially hidden underneath a bush. Just a couple of visibly glowing legs gave him away.

I'm very happy with the light. Great size (same as my normal X1) and pretty good throw. I got it from Amazon for around $28. Here are some pics.

I have been to Arizona numerous times in the past several years and the last time I took my Inova UV with me but alas, did not reach the level of success you have here. Nice shots!

cool...i never knew scorpians fluores under UV...then again i dont think ive ever seen a scorpian thats not behind a glass window before
Wow! It´s a yellow scorpion! Here in Brasil I only saw black ones.

This yellow is too agressive! It´s sting must hurt!

Do they all glow or just certain species? We travel that way from time to time. That would be a great tool to have if they all glow like that.
Funny, I got stung the for the first time the day I got my first SF P6. I had been hunting them for a year with a Mini Mag and just grinding them into the cinder block with the MM. (some times 5 a night) I set out with my new 6P and spotted one, hell if i was going to grind my SF against a wall so I picked up a golf ball sized rock to smoosh him and damn if he did not run right around on the rock and zap me in the thumb. HOLY S*HT. I would take a hundred bee stinks to a single scorpion sting. Starts out like a bad 120 volt shock then really starts to hurt. The bark scorpion is what we have here in AZ and supposedly that one packs the worst wallop.
Funny, I got stung the for the first time the day I got my first SF P6. I had been hunting them for a year with a Mini Mag and just grinding them into the cinder block with the MM. (some times 5 a night) I set out with my new 6P and spotted one, hell if i was going to grind my SF against a wall so I picked up a golf ball sized rock to smoosh him and damn if he did not run right around on the rock and zap me in the thumb. HOLY S*HT. I would take a hundred bee stinks to a single scorpion sting. Starts out like a bad 120 volt shock then really starts to hurt. The bark scorpion is what we have here in AZ and supposedly that one packs the worst wallop.

note to self... use bigger rock:thumbsup:

you guys are nuts!! I am highly allergic to bee stings and bug bites, one of these things would probably kill me.
I took this also drunken scorpion hunt pic about 4 years ago, but don't remember with which light. (It was very shortly before its demise ala .22 birdshot.)

I try and keep the population down in a 100yd radius around my get-away shack out in the Mojave.

Maybe some of our Asian members can enlighten me... Why on earth would someone want to skewer one of these things, grill it and eat it? I'd rather turn Vegan and eat raw Broccoli for the rest of my life.:green:
Maybe some of our Asian members can enlighten me... Why on earth would someone want to skewer one of these things, grill it and eat it? I'd rather turn Vegan and eat raw Broccoli for the rest of my life.:green:

heh...i'm asian but i wouldnt know...i saw on TV a few years ago something about a resturant in china that serves scorpions...ppl were eating them live...:green:
So its the skin that lights in UV? How cool would it be to have a shed skin on your desk with a blacklight fluorescent tube on. Does anyone know where I could get one? Maybe at a pet shop.
I'll have to pick up a little UV light for our next trip out West. Probably be a good thing to have to check in and around the tent for those little buggers.

Think it would probably be tricky enough sober, though. Years ago I had to relocate a couple of tarantulas from my motel room when I was down in the tropics, but they're pretty slow and relatively docile. Scorpions are pretty quick, and alot grumpier.