Duracell Power Gauge Charger on sale?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 16, 2008
Hi all, I just bought a MaHa C9000 charger on the recommendation of guys on this board and love it, it revived about 8 old Energizer cells I had thought were goners for one thing. But today my Dad found a Duracell Power Gauge charger with 4 NIMH batteries for $4.80 on closeout! I couldn't pass it up. It charges my ipod fine, and from the specs on the back of it, it looks like it is really mild on cells, charges them rather slowly, slower than even the recommend charge rates I found with the MaHa, which is fine (don't wan't anything to do with super fast chargers that cook the cells). What do you guys think, is the power gauge charger as good as my MaHa for general charging (I know it doesn't do break in, ect.), if only somewhat slower on the high capacity cells? It has four independent bays and is supposed to be smart enough to shut down each individually when charging is done.
I've heard good things about both the Power Gauge and the Duracell Mobile charger for general charging.

Where did you find the Power Gauge on clearance?
<snip> it looks like it is really mild on cells, charges them rather slowly, slower than even the recommend charge rates I found with the MaHa, which is fine (don't wan't anything to do with super fast chargers that cook the cells).<snip>

That C9000 is the greatest, isn't it? I wonder what the record is for having it running constantly charging, discharging, breaking in cells?

I thought that a slow charge wasn't necessarily better for NiMH cells? Isn't overheating from too much charge the problem? I was under the impression that a 0.5C to 1.0C charge was better, and that even with proper termination, a lower charge rate (such as 0.2C) wasn't better for the cells. I understand that a forming charge is a different ball of wax. Is it just the increased chance of missed termination with a slow charge that's the problem and that's why a faster charge is better?
Yes, the reason its recommended to charge NiMH cells between .5 and 1 C is because below .3C, you run a higher risk of the cell missing termination. And yes, the break-in charge is a different as it's applying a timed charge at a very low rate. Now, if you charged the cells even at that rate for longer than 24 hours, that could be bad. I read somewhere that its not recommended to leave cells on a charger while being trickle charged for longer than 24 hours.

I charge my cells as close to .5 C as I can.
That's right, on my MaHa I never charge below .3C of course, but I figure this Duracell charger knows what it is doing hopefully. I put a couple AAA Duraloops in it that were probably 75% charged and noticed they got done in fairly short order. I never leave my cells in any charger once they are done, just to be on the safe side. I had one of those cheap Energizer dumb chargers and chucked it in the garbage once I learned the difference between dumb and "smart" chargers.
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I really like the Power Gauge charger, it has been a real workhorse. Despite charging at a very mild rate, it seems to nail termination with the best of them. The only fruity thing about it, not really a flaw though, is that the red LED's just come on at 2-hour intervals. One to start, two at two hours, three at four hours. Has absolutely nothing to do with the state of charge of the battery, and it will run as short or long as needed to get the job done. It's just funny, because they look like they would be the "Gauge" part of the charger. They do look cool advancing on when you plug it in, though!

Second for where they are on clearance!
The "Mobile" version of this charger charges at 550 mA for both AA and AAA, a bit faster than the "Power Gauge" version.
Got it at the Seward, NE Orscheln's farm store, they may be blowing them out at all Orscheln's, I don't know as its the only one in my area.
Great price! I've been using one for a few months now with good results. Sometimes it does reject (by flashing) some of my older cells that will still charge somewhat on another dumb charger.


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