DX C Li-Ion V KD D Li-Ion

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Retired Administrator
Jun 13, 2006
Unprotected C Lithium Battery 5000mAh Weighs 70 Grams
Protected D Lithium Battery5000mAh Weighs 130 Grams

Does anybody see something wrong with this picture?
I'm sure that the capacity on the C cell is well under 5000mAh, just looking at the weights you would expect the C cell to be about 3000mAh which it probably is.
Just out of interest an UltraFire protected 2400mAh 18650 weighs 38.5Grams, sounds a bit light for actual capacity too.
yes indeed

btw, if you look at the reviews on that "5000 mAh" C size li-ion, you can see some people say it has a capacity of 2800mAh....
yes indeed

btw, if you look at the reviews on that "5000 mAh" C size li-ion, you can see some people say it has a capacity of 2800mAh....

One of those reviews was mine, however, I am really happy with my C Li-Ions I purchased there. They are indeed closer to 2800-3000mAh, but for the price, and quality of them, they are well worth it.

I count on my maxFlex driver to give me my low power warning, and my balance charger for my charging cutoff, they charge to exactly 4.2v everytime, and never out of balance. :thumbsup:
:wave: Hi Norm , :)

Why not ask your question in the CPFmarketplace/Dealers corner ??

Since it is discussion about products of DX and KD who are Dealers .

I.E. .... Dealers Corner , Posting policies :
"(Quote :
This forum is for Dealer Sales & Discussions. Only Dealers with paid subscriptions are permitted to SELL items in this forums. Please click here for subscription information.

The forum software will not be automatically restricting non-authorized dealers from starting sales threads in order to allow all members to start new discussion threads. etc.etc,etc.)end quote"

It seems that was the intended Forum for discussion of dealer products - so they would see your comments and questions - and promptly respond to them. And also a place for all the patrons of the dealers to share their experience with the products.

Or am I reading that posting policy the wrong way ?:grin2:
I've been wondering about this lately ... hoping for discussion on it.:)

Hello Norm,

We can't move a thread from CPF to CPFMarketplace. I'll close this thread and why don't you restart it in the Marketplace.

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