DX MTE Rebel light issues?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
My MTE 5 mode rebel light (sku6162) came in about 2 weeks ago and lately I've been having some notable issues with the light always dimming out and flickering for the first minute or two after I switch it on. I'm using BTY NiMH AA batteries so I'm thinking it either an issue with the batteries or an issue with the light; possibly what they call low voltage startup issues?

Does this sound right to anybody? I like the light and don't feel a need to return it- especially if the light isn't the problem!
I have the same light. When I unscrewed the head the other day I noticed that when I put it back on it was flickering and going dim. Finally when I cleaned the head and put it back on it worked fine. There is a copper ring in between the head and the body.....I cleaned that also. There was alot of glue in those threads. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Try cleaning the contacts and threads.
Good suggestion. Cleaned the mating surfaces (not threads, those appear to be unused in current conduction) including the copper washer with rubbing alcohol and it definately did the trick. Actually seems brighter than new!

Now to find an o-ring for the lens...